path: root/script/update/vendor/inject
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'script/update/vendor/inject')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/script/update/vendor/inject b/script/update/vendor/inject
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..eac4da37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/update/vendor/inject
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Caleb La Grange <>
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ferass El Hafidi <>
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Leah Rowe <>
+. "include/"
+. "include/"
+. "include/"
+ [ $# -lt 1 ] && err "No options specified."
+ [ "${1}" = "listboards" ] && \
+ listitems config/coreboot && exit 0
+ archive="${1}"
+ while getopts r:b:m: option
+ do
+ case "${option}" in
+ r) rom=${OPTARG} ;;
+ b) board=${OPTARG} ;;
+ m) modifygbe=true
+ new_mac=${OPTARG} ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ check_board
+ build_dependencies
+ inject_vendorfiles
+ printf "Friendly reminder (this is *not* an error message):\n"
+ printf "Please always ensure that the files were inserted correctly.\n"
+ if ! check_release "${archive}" ; then
+ [ -f "${rom}" ] || \
+ err "check_board: \"${rom}\" is not a valid path"
+ [ -z ${rom+x} ] && \
+ err "check_board: no rom specified"
+ [ ! -z ${board+x} ] || \
+ board=$(detect_board "${rom}")
+ else
+ release=true
+ releasearchive="${archive}"
+ board=$(detect_board "${archive}")
+ fi
+ boarddir="${cbcfgsdir}/${board}"
+ [ -d "${boarddir}" ] && return 0
+ err "check_board: board ${board} not found"
+ [ -f "${archive}" ] || return 1
+ [ "${archive##*.}" = "xz" ] || return 1
+ printf "%s\n" "Release archive ${archive} detected"
+# This function tries to determine the board from the filename of the rom.
+# It will only succeed if the filename is not changed from the build/download
+ path="${1}"
+ filename=$(basename ${path})
+ case ${filename} in
+ grub_*)
+ board=$(echo "${filename}" | cut -d '_' -f2-3) ;;
+ seabios_withgrub_*)
+ board=$(echo "${filename}" | cut -d '_' -f3-4) ;;
+ *.tar.xz)
+ _stripped_prefix=${filename#*_}
+ board="${_stripped_prefix%.tar.xz}" ;;
+ *)
+ err "detect_board: could not detect board type"
+ esac
+ [ -d "${boarddir}/" ] || \
+ err "detect_board: dir, ${boarddir}, doesn't exist"
+ printf "%s\n" "${board}"
+ [ -d "${cbdir}" ] || x_ ./update project trees coreboot default
+ x_ ./build coreboot utils default
+ x_ ./update vendor download ${board}
+ release_archive="n"
+ [ "${release}" != "true" ] && x_ patch_rom "${rom}" && return 0
+ printf "patching release file\n"
+ release_archive="y"
+ patch_release_roms
+ _tmpdir="tmp/romdir"
+ x_ rm -Rf "${_tmpdir}"
+ x_ mkdir -p "${_tmpdir}"
+ x_ tar -xf "${releasearchive}" -C "${_tmpdir}"
+ for x in "${_tmpdir}"/bin/*/*.rom ; do
+ printf "patching rom: %s\n" "$x"
+ x_ patch_rom "${x}"
+ done
+ for x in "${_tmpdir}"/bin/*/*_nomicrocode.rom ; do
+ [ -f "${x}" ] || continue
+ [ -f "${x%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" ] || continue
+ x_ cp "${x%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" "${x}"
+ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${x}" remove -n cpu_microcode_blob.bin
+ done
+ (
+ x_ cd "${_tmpdir}/bin/"*
+ # NOTE: For compatibility with older rom releases, defer to sha1
+ sha512sum --status -c vendorhashes || \
+ sha1sum --status -c vendorhashes || \
+ sha512sum --status -c blobhashes || \
+ sha1sum --status -c blobhashes || \
+ err "patch_release_roms: ROMs did not match expected hashes"
+ )
+ if [ "${modifygbe}" = "true" ]; then
+ for x in "${_tmpdir}"/bin/*/*.rom ; do
+ modify_gbe "${x}"
+ done
+ fi
+ [ -d bin/release ] || x_ mkdir -p bin/release
+ x_ mv "${_tmpdir}"/bin/* bin/release/
+ printf "Success! Your ROMs are in bin/release\n"
+ x_ rm -Rf "${_tmpdir}"
+ rom="${1}"
+ # we don't process no-microcode roms; these are
+ # instead re-created at the end, after re-inserting
+ # on roms with microcode, by copying and then removing,
+ # so that the hashes will match (otherwise, cbfstool
+ # may sometimes insert certain vendor files at the wrong offset)
+ # (unless nomicrocode is the only config provided)
+ [ "${rom}" != "${rom%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" ] && \
+ [ -f "${rom%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" ] && \
+ [ "${release_archive}" = "y" ] && return 0
+ x_ check_defconfig "${boarddir}"
+ set -- "${boarddir}/config/"*
+ . "${1}" 2>/dev/null
+ [ "$CONFIG_HAVE_MRC" = "y" ] && \
+ inject_vendorfile_intel_mrc "${rom}"
+ [ "${CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN}" = "y" ] && \
+ inject_vendorfile_intel_me "${rom}"
+ [ "${CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE}" = "y" ] && \
+ inject_vendorfile_hp_kbc1126_ec "${rom}"
+ [ "${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE}" != "" ] && \
+ [ "${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID}" != "" ] && \
+ inject_vendorfile_dell_e6400_vgarom_nvidia "${rom}"
+ [ "${CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW}" = "y" ] && \
+ [ "${CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE}" != "" ] && \
+ inject_vendorfile_smsc_sch5545_ec "${rom}"
+ [ "${modifygbe}" = "true" ] && ! [ "${release}" = "true" ] && \
+ modify_gbe "${rom}"
+ printf "ROM image successfully patched: %s\n" "${rom}"
+ rom="${1}"
+ printf "adding mrc\n"
+ # mrc.bin must be inserted at a specific offset
+ # in cbfstool, -b values above 0x80000000 are interpreted as
+ # top-aligned x86 memory locations. this is converted into an
+ # absolute offset within the flash, and inserted accordingly
+ # at that offset into the ROM image file
+ # coreboot's own build system hardcodes the mrc.bin offset
+ # because there is only one correct location in memory, but
+ # it would be useful for us if it could be easily scanned
+ # from Kconfig, with the option to change it where in practise
+ # it is not changed
+ # the hardcoded offset below is based upon reading of the coreboot
+ # source code, and it is *always* correct for haswell platform.
+ # TODO: this logic should be tweaked to handle more platforms
+ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f mrc/haswell/mrc.bin -n mrc.bin \
+ -t mrc -b 0xfffa0000
+ printf "adding intel me firmware\n"
+ rom="${1}"
+ [ -z ${CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH} ] && \
+ err "inject_vendorfile_intel_me: CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH not set"
+ _me_location=${CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH##*../}
+ [ ! -f "${_me_location}" ] && \
+ err "inject_vendorfile_intel_me: per CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH: file missing"
+ x_ "${ifdtool}" -i me:"${_me_location}" "${rom}" -O "${rom}"
+ rom="${1}"
+ _ec1_location="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1##*../}"
+ _ec1_offset="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1_OFFSET}"
+ _ec2_location="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2##*../}"
+ _ec2_offset="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2_OFFSET}"
+ printf "adding hp kbc1126 ec firmware\n"
+ if [ "${_ec1_offset}" = "" ] || [ "${_ec1_offset}" = "" ]; then
+ err "inject_vendorfile_hp_kbc1126_ec: ${board}: offset not declared"
+ elif [ "${_ec1_location}" = "" ] || [ "${_ec2_location}" = "" ]; then
+ err "inject_vendorfile_hp_kbc1126_ec: ${board}: EC path not declared"
+ elif [ ! -f "${_ec1_location}" ] || [ ! -f "${_ec2_location}" ]; then
+ err "inject_vendorfile_hp_kbc1126_ec: ${board}: ecfw not downloaded"
+ fi
+ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_ec1_location}" -n ecfw1.bin \
+ -b ${_ec1_offset} -t raw
+ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_ec2_location}" -n ecfw2.bin \
+ -b ${_ec2_offset} -t raw
+ rom="${1}"
+ _vga_location="${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE##*../}"
+ _vga_dir="${_vga_location%/*}"
+ _vga_filename="${_vga_location##*/}"
+ printf "adding pci option rom\n"
+ [ "${_vga_dir}" = "${pciromsdir}" ] || \
+ err "inject_vendorfile_dell_e6400vga: invalid pcirom dir: ${_vga_dir}"
+ [ -f "${_vga_location}" ] || \
+ err "inject_vendorfile_dell_e6400vga: ${_vga_location} doesn't exist"
+ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_vga_location}" \
+ -n "pci${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID}.rom" -t optionrom
+ rom="${1}"
+ _sch5545ec_location="${CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE##*../}"
+ [ -f "${_sch5545ec_location}" ] || \
+ err "inject_vendorfile_smsc_sch5545_ec: SCH5545 fw missing"
+ x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_sch5545ec_location}" \
+ -n sch5545_ecfw.bin -t raw
+ printf "changing mac address in gbe to ${new_mac}\n"
+ [ -z ${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH} ] && \
+ err "modify_gbe: ${board}: CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH not set"
+ rom="${1}"
+ _gbe_location=${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH##*../}
+ [ -f "${_gbe_location}" ] || \
+ err "modify_gbe: CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH points to missing file"
+ [ -f "${nvmutil}" ] || \
+ x_ make -C util/nvmutil
+ _gbe_tmp=$(mktemp -t gbeXXXX.bin)
+ x_ cp "${_gbe_location}" "${_gbe_tmp}"
+ x_ "${nvmutil}" "${_gbe_tmp}" setmac "${new_mac}"
+ x_ "${ifdtool}" -i GbE:"${_gbe_tmp}" "${rom}" -O "${rom}"
+ x_ rm -f "${_gbe_tmp}"
+ cat <<- EOF
+ USAGE: ./update vendor inject -r [rom path] -b [boardname] -m [macaddress]
+ Example: ./update vendor inject -r x230_12mb.rom -b x230_12mb
+ Adding a macadress to the gbe is optional.
+ If the [-m] parameter is left blank, the gbe will not be touched.
+ Type './update vendor inject listboards' to get a list of valid boards
+main $@