path: root/util/ich9utils
diff options
authorLeah Rowe <>2023-09-03 19:55:58 +0100
committerLeah Rowe <>2023-09-03 22:40:33 +0100
commit19efdf9eebaf60038f652e870f58aea4b1f14b6d (patch)
tree30152f6970c7b8c69f7b6783be57a41fbf0598ad /util/ich9utils
parentaf8d8cda7d639b594f70efde5e52ee712d996c7b (diff)
ich9m mainboards: use pre-assembled ifd/gbe files
This cuts down on build time, and it will allow libreboot to remove large chunks of code. these ifd/gbe configs are just binary-encoded config files, in a format well-understood. they can easily be opened up and displayed, using ich9show or ifdtool, and manipulated by these tools; bincfg can generate them from scratch, and nvmutil can change mac addresses, for example. so, do this and remove from lbmk the following: * ich9utils (which contains ich9gen) - not needed anymore * code in lbmk for handling ich9gen and insertions; the coreboot build system is now used, for this same purpose, so remove such code from lbmk this results in a massive code size reduction (thousands of lines) in lbmk; smaller when only looking at the build system, but much larger when you consider that ich9utils is also removed (about 3k sloc) Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
Diffstat (limited to 'util/ich9utils')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 5073 deletions
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/COPYING b/util/ich9utils/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index f288702d..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
- Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
-software and other kinds of works.
- The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
-share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
-software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
-GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
-any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
-certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
-you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
-freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
-or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
-know their rights.
- Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
- For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
-that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
-authors of previous versions.
- Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
-can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
-protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
-pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
-use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
-have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
-products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
-stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
-of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
- Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
-avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
-make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
-patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. Definitions.
- "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
- "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
-works, such as semiconductor masks.
- "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
-License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
-"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
- To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
-in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
-exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
-earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
- A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
-on the Program.
- To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
-permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
-infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
-computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
-distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
-public, and in some countries other activities as well.
- To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
-parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
-a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
- An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
-to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
-feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
-tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
-extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
-work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
-the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
-menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
- 1. Source Code.
- The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
-for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
-form of a work.
- A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
-standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
-interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
-is widely used among developers working in that language.
- The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
-than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
-packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
-Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
-Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
-implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
-"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
-(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
-produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
- The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
-the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
-work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
-control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
-System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
-programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
-which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
-includes interface definition files associated with source files for
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
-linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
-such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
-subprograms and other parts of the work.
- The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
-can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
- The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
-same work.
- 2. Basic Permissions.
- All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
-copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
-conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
-permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
-covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
-content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
-rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
- You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
-convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
-in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
-of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
-with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
-the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
-not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
-for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
-and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
-your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
- Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
-the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
-makes it unnecessary.
- 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
- No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
-measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
-11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
-similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
- When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
-circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
-is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
-the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
-modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
-users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
-technological measures.
- 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
- You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
-receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
-keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
-non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
-keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
-recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
- You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
-and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
- 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
- You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
-produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
-terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
- it, and giving a relevant date.
- b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
- released under this License and any conditions added under section
- 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
- "keep intact all notices".
- c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
- License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
- License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
- additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
- regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
- permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
- invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
- d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
- Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
- interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
- work need not make them do so.
- A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
-works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
-and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
-in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
-"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
-used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
-beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
-in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
-parts of the aggregate.
- 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
- You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
-of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
-machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
-in one of these ways:
- a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
- Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
- customarily used for software interchange.
- b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
- written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
- long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
- model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
- copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
- product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
- medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
- more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
- conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
- Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
- c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
- written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
- alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
- only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
- with subsection 6b.
- d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
- place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
- Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
- further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
- Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
- copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
- may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
- that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
- clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
- Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
- Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
- available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
- e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
- you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
- Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
- charge under subsection 6d.
- A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
-from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
-included in conveying the object code work.
- A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
-tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
-or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
-into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
-doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
-product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
-typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
-of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
-actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
-is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
-commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
-the only significant mode of use of the product.
- "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
-procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
-and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
-a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
-suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
-code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
-modification has been made.
- If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
-specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
-part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
-User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
-fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
-Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
-by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
-if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
-been installed in ROM).
- The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
-requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
-for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
-the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
-network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
-adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
-protocols for communication across the network.
- Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
-in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
-documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
-source code form), and must require no special password or key for
-unpacking, reading or copying.
- 7. Additional Terms.
- "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
-License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
-Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
-be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
-that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
-apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
-under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
-this License without regard to the additional permissions.
- When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
-remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
-it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
-removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
-additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
-for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
-add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
-that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
- a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
- terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
- b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
- author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
- Notices displayed by works containing it; or
- c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
- requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
- reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
- d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
- authors of the material; or
- e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
- trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
- f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
- material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
- it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
- any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
- those licensors and authors.
- All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
-restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
-received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
-governed by this License along with a term that is a further
-restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
-a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
-License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
-of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
-not survive such relicensing or conveying.
- If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
-must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
-additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
-where to find the applicable terms.
- Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
-form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
-the above requirements apply either way.
- 8. Termination.
- You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
-provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
-modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
-this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
-paragraph of section 11).
- However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
-license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
-provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
-finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
-holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
-prior to 60 days after the cessation.
- Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
- Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
-material under section 10.
- 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
- You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
-run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
-occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
-to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
-nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
-modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
-not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
-covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
- 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
- Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
-receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
-propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
-for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
- An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
-organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
-organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
-work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
-transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
-licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
-Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
-the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
- You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
-rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
-not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
-rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
-any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
-sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
- 11. Patents.
- A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
-License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
-work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
- A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
-owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
-hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
-by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
-but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
-consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
-purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
-patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
-this License.
- Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
-make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
-propagate the contents of its contributor version.
- In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
-agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
-(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
-sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
-party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
-patent against the party.
- If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
-and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
-to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
-publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
-then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
-available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
-patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
-consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
-license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
-actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
-covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
-country that you have reason to believe are valid.
- If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
-arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
-covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
-receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
-or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
-you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
-work and works based on it.
- A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
-the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
-conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
-specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
-work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
-in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
-to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
-the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
-parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
-patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
-conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
-for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
-contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
-or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
- Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
-any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
-otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
- 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
- If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
-covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
-not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
-to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
-the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
-License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
- 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
-permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
-under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
-combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
-License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
-but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
-section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
-combination as such.
- 14. Revised Versions of this License.
- The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
-the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
- Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
-Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
-Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
-option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
-version or of any later version published by the Free Software
-Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
-GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
-by the Free Software Foundation.
- If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
-versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
-public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
-to choose that version for the Program.
- Later license versions may give you additional or different
-permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
-author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
-later version.
- 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
- 16. Limitation of Liability.
- 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
- If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
-above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
-reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
-an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
-Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
-copy of the Program in return for a fee.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
- If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
- <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
-might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
- You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
-For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
- The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
-into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
-may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
-the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
-Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/Makefile b/util/ich9utils/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8e6a57..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for ich9deblob utility from libreboot project
-# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2019 Leah Rowe <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-CFLAGS=-I. -Wall -Wextra -g $(FORCEC99)
-all: ich9deblob ich9gen demefactory ich9show
-ich9deblob: obj/ich9deblob.o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o obj/common/x86compatibility.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) obj/ich9deblob.o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/common/x86compatibility.o obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o \
- -o ich9deblob
-ich9gen: obj/ich9gen.o obj/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.o obj/ich9gen/mkgbe.o \
- obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o obj/common/x86compatibility.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) obj/ich9gen.o obj/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.o obj/ich9gen/mkgbe.o \
- obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/common/x86compatibility.o obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o \
- -o ich9gen
-demefactory: obj/demefactory.o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o obj/common/x86compatibility.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) obj/demefactory.o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/common/x86compatibility.o obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o \
- -o demefactory
-ich9show: obj/ich9show.o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o obj/common/x86compatibility.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) obj/ich9show.o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o \
- obj/common/x86compatibility.o obj/descriptor/descriptor.o obj/gbe/gbe.o \
- -o ich9show
-# for demefactory
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/demefactory.c -o obj/demefactory.o
-# for ich9deblob
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/ich9deblob.c -o obj/ich9deblob.o
-# for ich9show
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/ich9show.c -o obj/ich9show.o
-# for ich9gen
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/ich9gen.c -o obj/ich9gen.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.c -o obj/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/ich9gen/mkgbe.c -o obj/ich9gen/mkgbe.o
-# for demefactory, ich9deblob and ich9gen:
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/common/descriptor_gbe.c -o obj/common/descriptor_gbe.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/common/x86compatibility.c -o obj/common/x86compatibility.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/descriptor/descriptor.c -o obj/descriptor/descriptor.o
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(NOLINKER) src/gbe/gbe.c -o obj/gbe/gbe.o
-# make clean
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- rm -Rf ich9deblob ich9gen demefactory ich9show obj/*.o obj/*/*.o *.bin
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/obj/.empty b/util/ich9utils/obj/.empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/obj/.empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/obj/common/.empty b/util/ich9utils/obj/common/.empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/obj/common/.empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/obj/descriptor/.empty b/util/ich9utils/obj/descriptor/.empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/obj/descriptor/.empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/obj/gbe/.empty b/util/ich9utils/obj/gbe/.empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/obj/gbe/.empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/obj/ich9gen/.empty b/util/ich9utils/obj/ich9gen/.empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/obj/ich9gen/.empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/common/descriptor_gbe.c b/util/ich9utils/src/common/descriptor_gbe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1ad32b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/common/descriptor_gbe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
- * descriptor_gbe.c
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: common descriptor/gbe functions used by ich9deblob
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Leah Rowe <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "descriptor_gbe.h"
- * create 12KiB file with descriptor, and then gbe immediately after.
- */
-int notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k, char* fileName)
- FILE* fileStream = NULL;
- /* delete old file before continuing */
- remove(fileName);
- /* open new file for writing the descriptor+gbe */
- fileStream = fopen(fileName, "ab");
- /* write the descriptor region into the first part */
- if (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE != fwrite((uint8_t*)&descriptorStruct, 1, sizeof(descriptorStruct), fileStream))
- {
- printf("\nerror: writing descriptor region failed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /* add gbe to the end of the file */
- if (GBEREGIONSIZE_8K != fwrite((uint8_t*)&gbeStruct8k, 1, sizeof(gbeStruct8k), fileStream))
- {
- printf("\nerror: writing GBe region failed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- fclose(fileStream);
- printf("descriptor and gbe successfully written to the file: %s\n", fileName);
- printf("Now do: dd if=%s of=libreboot.rom bs=1 count=12k conv=notrunc\n", fileName);
- printf("(in other words, add the modified descriptor+gbe to your ROM image)\n\n");
- return 0;
- * create 4KiB file with descriptor
- */
-int notCreated4kDescriptorFile(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, char* fileName)
- FILE* fileStream = NULL;
- /* delete old file before continuing */
- remove(fileName);
- /* open new file for writing the descriptor+gbe */
- fileStream = fopen(fileName, "ab");
- /* write the descriptor region into the first part */
- if (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE != fwrite((uint8_t*)&descriptorStruct, 1, sizeof(descriptorStruct), fileStream))
- {
- printf("\nerror: writing descriptor region failed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- fclose(fileStream);
- printf("descriptor successfully written to the file: %s\n", fileName);
- printf("Now do: dd if=%s of=yourrom.rom bs=1 count=4k conv=notrunc\n", fileName);
- printf("(in other words, add the modified descriptor to your ROM image)\n\n");
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/common/descriptor_gbe.h b/util/ich9utils/src/common/descriptor_gbe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3713c80..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/common/descriptor_gbe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * gbe_descriptor.h
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: header file for descriptor_gbe.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Leah Rowe <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "../descriptor/descriptor.h" /* structs describing what's in the descriptor region */
-#include "../gbe/gbe.h" /* structs describing what's in the gbe region */
-int notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k, char* fileName);
-int notCreated4kDescriptorFile(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, char* fileName);
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/common/x86compatibility.c b/util/ich9utils/src/common/x86compatibility.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 362c634b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/common/x86compatibility.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
- * x86compatibility.c
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: compiler/cpu compatibility checks. ich9deblob is not portable, yet.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "x86compatibility.h"
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * x86 compatibility checking:
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* fail if struct size is incorrect */
-int structSizesIncorrect(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDummy, struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbe8kDummy)
- unsigned int descriptorRegionStructSize = sizeof(descriptorDummy);
- unsigned int gbeRegion8kStructSize = sizeof(gbe8kDummy);
- /* check compiler bit-packs in a compatible way. basically, it is expected that this code will be used on x86 */
- if (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE != descriptorRegionStructSize){
- printf("\nerror: compiler incompatibility: descriptor struct length is %i bytes (should be %i)\n", descriptorRegionStructSize, DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE);
- return 1;
- }
- if (GBEREGIONSIZE_8K != gbeRegion8kStructSize){
- printf("\nerror: compiler incompatibility: gbe struct length is %i bytes (should be %i)\n", gbeRegion8kStructSize, GBEREGIONSIZE_8K);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* fail if members are presented in the wrong order */
-int structMembersWrongOrder()
- int i;
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDummy;
- uint8_t *meVsccTablePtr = (uint8_t*)&descriptorDummy.meVsccTable;
- /* These do not use bitfields. */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.jid0 = 0x01020304; /* unsigned int 32-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.vscc0 = 0x10203040; /* unsigned int 32-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.jid1 = 0x11223344; /* unsigned int 32-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.vscc1 = 0x05060708; /* unsigned int 32-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.jid2 = 0x50607080; /* unsigned int 32-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.vscc2 = 0x55667788; /* unsigned int 32-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.padding[0] = 0xAA; /* unsigned char 8-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.padding[1] = 0xBB; /* unsigned char 8-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.padding[2] = 0xCC; /* unsigned char 8-bit */
- descriptorDummy.meVsccTable.padding[3] = 0xDD; /* unsigned char 8-bit */
- /*
- * Look from the top down, and concatenate the unsigned ints but
- * with each unsigned in little endian order.
- * Then, concatenate the unsigned chars in big endian order. (in the padding array)
- *
- * combined, these should become:
- * 01020304 10203040 11223344 05060708 50607080 55667788 AA BB CC DD (ignore this. big endian. just working it out manually:)
- * 04030201 40302010 44332211 08070605 80706050 88776655 AA BB CC DD (ignore this. not byte-separated, just working it out:)
- * 04 03 02 01 40 30 20 10 44 33 22 11 08 07 06 05 80 70 60 50 88 77 66 55 AA BB CC DD <-- it should match this
- */
- if (
- !
- (
- *meVsccTablePtr == 0x04 && *(meVsccTablePtr+1) == 0x03 && *(meVsccTablePtr+2) == 0x02 && *(meVsccTablePtr+3) == 0x01
- && *(meVsccTablePtr+4) == 0x40 && *(meVsccTablePtr+5) == 0x30 && *(meVsccTablePtr+6) == 0x20 && *(meVsccTablePtr+7) == 0x10
- && *(meVsccTablePtr+8) == 0x44 && *(meVsccTablePtr+9) == 0x33 && *(meVsccTablePtr+10) == 0x22 && *(meVsccTablePtr+11) == 0x11
- && *(meVsccTablePtr+12) == 0x08 && *(meVsccTablePtr+13) == 0x07 && *(meVsccTablePtr+14) == 0x06 && *(meVsccTablePtr+15) == 0x05
- && *(meVsccTablePtr+16) == 0x80 && *(meVsccTablePtr+17) == 0x70 && *(meVsccTablePtr+18) == 0x60 && *(meVsccTablePtr+19) == 0x50
- && *(meVsccTablePtr+20) == 0x88 && *(meVsccTablePtr+21) == 0x77 && *(meVsccTablePtr+22) == 0x66 && *(meVsccTablePtr+23) == 0x55
- && *(meVsccTablePtr+24) == 0xAA && *(meVsccTablePtr+25) == 0xBB && *(meVsccTablePtr+26) == 0xCC && *(meVsccTablePtr+27) == 0xDD
- )
- ) {
- printf("\nStruct member order check (descriptorDummy.meVsccTable) with junk/dummy data:");
- printf("\nShould be: 04 03 02 01 40 30 20 10 44 33 22 11 08 07 06 05 80 70 60 50 88 77 66 55 aa bb cc dd ");
- printf("\nAnd it is: ");
- for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
- printf("%02x ", *(meVsccTablePtr + i));
- }
- printf("\nIncorrect order.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* fail if bit fields are presented in the wrong order */
-int structBitfieldWrongOrder()
- int i;
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDummy;
- uint8_t *flMap0Ptr = (uint8_t*)&descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0;
- descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0.FCBA = 0xA2; /* :8 --> 10100010 */
- descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0.NC = 0x02; /* :2 --> 10 */
- descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0.reserved1 = 0x38; /* :6 --> 111000 */
- descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0.FRBA = 0xD2; /* :8 --> 11010010 */
- descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0.NR = 0x05; /* :3 --> 101 */
- descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMap0.reserved2 = 0x1C; /* :5 --> 11100 */
- /*
- * Look from the top bottom up, and concatenate the binary strings.
- * Then, convert the 8-bit groups to hex and reverse the (8-bit)byte order
- *
- * combined, these should become (in memory), in binary:
- * 10100010 11100010 11010010 11100101
- * or in hex:
- * A2 E2 D2 E5
- */
- if (!(*flMap0Ptr == 0xA2 && *(flMap0Ptr+1) == 0xE2 && *(flMap0Ptr+2) == 0xD2 && *(flMap0Ptr+3) == 0xE5))
- {
- printf("\nBitfield order check (descriptorDummy.flMaps.flMaps0) with junk/dummy data:");
- printf("\nShould be: a2 e2 d2 e5 ");
- printf("\nAnd it is: ");
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- printf("%02x ", *(flMap0Ptr + i));
- }
- printf("\nIncorrect order.\n");
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Compatibility checks. This version of ich9deblob is not yet porable. */
-int systemOrCompilerIncompatible(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k)
- if (structSizesIncorrect(descriptorStruct, gbeStruct8k)) return 1;
- if (IS_BIG_ENDIAN) {
- printf("big endian not supported\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if (structBitfieldWrongOrder()) return 1;
- if (structMembersWrongOrder()) return 1;
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/common/x86compatibility.h b/util/ich9utils/src/common/x86compatibility.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a598adc..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/common/x86compatibility.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * x86compatibility.h
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: keep gcc/make happy. no actual code here, just function definitions.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-/* */
-#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN (*(uint16_t *)"\0\xff" < 0x100)
-#include "../descriptor/descriptor.h" /* structs describing what's in the descriptor region */
-#include "../gbe/gbe.h" /* structs describing what's in the gbe region */
-int structSizesIncorrect(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDummy, struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbe8kDummy);
-int structMembersWrongOrder();
-int structBitfieldWrongOrder();
-int systemOrCompilerIncompatible(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k);
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/demefactory.c b/util/ich9utils/src/demefactory.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 596118cf..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/demefactory.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
- * demefactory.c
- * This file is part of the demefactory utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: disable ME on GM45 factory firmware, but leave region intact
- * enable read-write on all regions
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Leah Rowe <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
- * demfactory utility - main
- */
-#include "demefactory.h"
-int main()
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct;
- uint8_t* descriptorBuffer = (uint8_t*)&descriptorStruct;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k; /* not needed, except for compatibility checking */
- char* romFilename = "factory.rom";
- char* descriptorFilename = "demefactory_4kdescriptor.bin";
- unsigned int bufferLength;
- unsigned int romSize;
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Compatibility checks. This version of ich9deblob is not yet portable.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (systemOrCompilerIncompatible(descriptorStruct, gbeStruct8k)) return 1;
- /* If true, fail with error message */
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Extract the descriptor region from the factory.rom dump
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- FILE* fp = NULL;
- fp = fopen(romFilename, "rb"); /* open factory.rom */
- if (NULL == fp)
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not open %s\n", romFilename);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\n%s opened successfully\n", romFilename);
- /*
- * Get the descriptor region dump from the factory.rom
- * (goes in factoryDescriptorBuffer variable)
- */
- bufferLength = fread(descriptorBuffer, 1, DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE, fp);
- if (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE != bufferLength) //
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not read descriptor from %s (%i) bytes read\n", romFilename, bufferLength);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\ndescriptor region read successfully\n");
- /* ------------------------------------------------- */
- fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
- romSize = ftell(fp);
- printf("\n%s size: [%i] bytes\n", romFilename, romSize);
- /* -------------------------------------------------- */
- fclose(fp);
- /* Debugging (before modification) */
- printDescriptorRegionLocations(descriptorStruct, "Original");
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Modify the descriptor region, ready to go in the modified factory.rom
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // Disable the ME/TPM:
- descriptorStruct = descriptorDisableMe(descriptorStruct);
- descriptorStruct = descriptorDisableTpm(descriptorStruct);
- /* Host/CPU is allowed to read/write all regions. */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorHostRegionsUnlocked(descriptorStruct);
- /* The ME is disallowed read-write access to all regions
- * (this is probably redundant, since the ME is already removed from libreboot) */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorMeRegionsForbidden(descriptorStruct);
- /* Debugging (after modifying the descriptor region) */
- printDescriptorRegionLocations(descriptorStruct, "Modified");
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Create the file with the modified descriptor inside
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- printf("\n");
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStruct, descriptorFilename)) {
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate ich9gen data (C code that will recreate the deactivatedME descriptor from scratch)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* Code for generating the Descriptor struct */
- /* mkdescriptor.h */
- if (notCreatedHFileForDescriptorCFile("mkdescriptor.h", "mkdescriptor.c")) {
- return 1;
- } /* and now mkdescriptor.c */
- if (notCreatedCFileFromDescriptorStruct(descriptorStruct, "mkdescriptor.c", "mkdescriptor.h")) {
- return 1;
- }
- printf("The modified descriptor region has also been dumped as src files: mkdescriptor.c, mkdescriptor.h\n\n");
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/demefactory.h b/util/ich9utils/src/demefactory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7226886b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/demefactory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-/* Header file for demefactory.c */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "common/descriptor_gbe.h" /* common descriptor/gbe functions used by ich9deblob */
-#include "common/x86compatibility.h" /* system/compiler compatibility checks. This code is not portable. */
-#include "descriptor/descriptor.h" /* structs describing what's in the descriptor region */
-#include "gbe/gbe.h" /* structs describing what's in the gbe region */
-int main();
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/descriptor/descriptor.c b/util/ich9utils/src/descriptor/descriptor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10637714..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/descriptor/descriptor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1025 +0,0 @@
- * descriptor/descriptor.c
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2019 Leah Rowe <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
- * Provide descriptor related functions.
- */
-/* structs describing the data in descriptor region */
-#include "descriptor.h"
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Descriptor related functions
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-int validDescriptor(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct) {
- if (descriptorStruct.flValSig.signature==0x0FF0A55A) return 1;
- return 0;
-/* Set the Host CPU / BIOS region to have read-write access on all regions */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorHostRegionsUnlocked(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Set flash chip read-only when using flashrom -p internal */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Set the ME to have *no* read-write access on any region */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorMeRegionsForbidden(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Disable (delete) the ME region */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorMeRegionRemoved(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE = 0x1FFF;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT = 0;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Disable (delete) the Platform region */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorPlatformRegionRemoved(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE = 0x1FFF;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT = 0;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Disable the ME in ICHSTRAP0 and MCHSTRAP0 */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDisableMe(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.meDisable = 1;
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meDisable = 1;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Disable the TPM in MCHSTRAP0 */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDisableTpm(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.tpmDisable = 1;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Relocate the Gbe region to begin at 4KiB (immediately after the flash descriptor) */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorMoveGbeToStart(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE = DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT = GBEREGIONSIZE_8K >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Disable (delete) the GbE region */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorGbeRegionRemoved(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE = 0x1FFF;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT = 0;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* BIOS Region begin after descriptor+gbe at first 12KiB, fills the rest of the image */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorBiosRegionFillImageAfterGbe(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize)
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT = (romSize >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) - 1;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* BIOS Region begin after descriptor at first 4KiB, fills the rest of the image */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorBiosRegionFillImageAfterDescriptor(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize)
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE = DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT = (romSize >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) - 1;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Set OEM string to "LIBERATE" */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorOemString(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[0] = 0x4C;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[1] = 0x49;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[2] = 0x42;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[3] = 0x45;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[4] = 0x52;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[5] = 0x41;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[6] = 0x54;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[7] = 0x45;
- return descriptorStruct;
-/* Check whether a GbE region is defined by this descriptor.
- * Not thorough, but should work in most cases */
-int descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- if (
- (descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE == 0x1FFF || descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE == 0xFFF)
- &&
- (descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT == 0)
- )
- return 0; /* has no GbE region */
- else if (
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.integratedGbe == 0
- ||
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.lanPhy == 0
- )
- return 0; /* has no GbE region */
- else
- return 1; /* has a GbE region */
-/* Configure the BIOS and GbE regions, as required by libreboot.
- * Enable or disable the GbE region, based on what's in the descriptor */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD librebootSetGbeBiosDescriptorRegions(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize)
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- /*
- * set number of regions from 4 -> 2 (0 based, so 4 means 5 and 2
- * means 3. We want 3 regions: descriptor, gbe and bios, in that order)
- */
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR = 2;
- /* Move GbE region to the start of the image (after the descriptor) */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorMoveGbeToStart(descriptorStruct);
- /* BIOS region fills the remaining space */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorBiosRegionFillImageAfterGbe(descriptorStruct, romSize);
- /* GbE region means that an Intel NIC is to be present */
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.integratedGbe = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.lanPhy = 0x1;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * set number of regions from 4 -> 2 (0 based, so 4 means 5 and 1
- * means 2. We want 2 regions: descriptor and bios, in that order)
- */
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR = 1;
- /* Disable the GbE region */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorGbeRegionRemoved(descriptorStruct);
- /* BIOS region fills the remaining space, after the descriptor */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorBiosRegionFillImageAfterDescriptor(descriptorStruct, romSize);
- /* No GbE region means that an onboard NIC is still used, but it's discrete (eg Broadcom) */
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.integratedGbe = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.lanPhy = 0x0;
- }
- return descriptorStruct;
-uint8_t componentDensity(unsigned int romSizeInBytes)
- /* component density, see Component Section Record. page 848 in the datasheet */
- switch (romSizeInBytes)
- {
- case ROMSIZE_512KB: return 0;
- case ROMSIZE_1MB: return 1;
- case ROMSIZE_2MB: return 2;
- case ROMSIZE_4MB: return 3;
- case ROMSIZE_8MB: return 4;
- case ROMSIZE_16MB: return 5;
- default: return 0x7; /* reserved value */
- }
-/* From a factory.rom image, create a modified descriptor region, suitable
- * for use by the libreboot project */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD librebootDescriptorStructFromFactory(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize)
- /* Enable or disable the GbE region, from what's in the descriptor */
- descriptorStruct = librebootSetGbeBiosDescriptorRegions(descriptorStruct, romSize);
- /* Disable the ME/TPM and remove the ME/Platform regions: */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorMeRegionRemoved(descriptorStruct);
- /* Disable the ME/TPM and remove the ME/Platform regions: */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorPlatformRegionRemoved(descriptorStruct);
- /* Disable the ME itself, so that it doesn't try to start when this descriptor is in use */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorDisableMe(descriptorStruct);
- /* Also disable the TPM, by default */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorDisableTpm(descriptorStruct);
- return descriptorStruct;
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * C code generator (self-writing code)
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * Generate a C (.h) header file for the C source file made by notCreatedCFileFromDescriptorStruct()
- *
- * Output it to a file.
- */
-int notCreatedHFileForDescriptorCFile(char* outFileName, char* cFileName)
- remove(outFileName); /* Remove the old file before continuing */
- /* Open the file that will be written to */
- FILE* fp = fopen(outFileName, "w+");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fprintf(fp, "/* %s: generated C code from ich9deblob */\n", outFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "/* .h header file for the descriptor-generating C code (%s) */\n\n", cFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "#ifndef ICH9GEN_MKDESCRIPTOR_H\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#define ICH9GEN_MKDESCRIPTOR_H\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include <string.h>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include \"../descriptor/descriptor.h\"\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD generatedDescriptorStruct(unsigned int romSize, int hasGbe);\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#endif\n");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fclose(fp); /* Always close the file when done. */
- return 0;
- * Generate a C source file that initializes the same data from a given
- * 4KiB Descriptor data structure.
- *
- * Output it to a file.
- */
-int notCreatedCFileFromDescriptorStruct(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, char* outFileName, char* headerFileName)
- int i, j;
- remove(outFileName); /* Remove the old file before continuing */
- /* Open the file that will be written to */
- FILE* fp = fopen(outFileName, "w+");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fprintf(fp, "/* %s: generated C code from ich9deblob */\n", outFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "/* .c source file for the descriptor-generating C code */\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", headerFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "/* Generate a 4KiB Descriptor struct, with default values. */\n");
- fprintf(fp, "/* Read ../descriptor/descriptor.h for an explanation of the default values used here */\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD generatedDescriptorStruct(unsigned int romSize, int hasGbe)\n");
- fprintf(fp, "{\n");
- fprintf(fp, " int i;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct;\n");
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Flash Valid Signature Register */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Flash Valid Signature Register */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flValSig.signature = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.flValSig.signature);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Flash Map Registers */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Flash Map Registers */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLMAP0 */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FCBA = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FCBA);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NC = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NC);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved1 = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FRBA = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FRBA);
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR = 0x%01x; */ /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR = hasGbe ? 0x2 : 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved2 = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLMAP1 */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FMBA = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FMBA);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.NM = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.NM);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.reserved = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.reserved);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FISBA = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FISBA);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.ISL = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.ISL);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLMAP2 */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.FMSBA = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.FMSBA);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.MSL = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.MSL);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.reserved = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.reserved);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Component Section Record */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Component Section Record */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLCOMP */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component1Density = 0x%01x; */\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component1Density);
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component2Density = 0x%01x; */\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component2Density);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component1Density = componentDensity(romSize);\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component2Density = componentDensity(romSize);\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved2 = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readClockFrequency = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readClockFrequency);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastReadSupport = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastReadSupport);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastreadClockFrequency = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastreadClockFrequency);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.writeEraseClockFrequency = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.writeEraseClockFrequency);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readStatusClockFrequency = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readStatusClockFrequency);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved4 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved4);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLILL */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flill = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flill);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLPB */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.flpb = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flpb);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 36; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 35) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Flash Descriptor Region Section */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Flash Descriptor Region Section */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLREG0 (Descriptor) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLREG1 (BIOS) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE = 0x%04x; */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE = (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE + (hasGbe ? GBEREGIONSIZE_8K : 0)) >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT = 0x%04x; */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT = ((romSize >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) - 1); /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLREG2 (ME) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE = 0x%04x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT = 0x%04x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLREG3 (Gbe) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE = 0x%04x; */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE = hasGbe ? (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) : 0x1fff; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " /* descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT = 0x%04x; */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT = hasGbe ? (GBEREGIONSIZE_8K >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) : 0x0000; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLREG4 (Platform) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE = 0x%04x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT = 0x%04x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 11) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Master Access Section */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Master Access Section */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLMSTR1 (Host CPU / BIOS) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.requesterId = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.requesterId);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLMSTR2 (ME) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.requesterId = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.requesterId);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* FLMSTR3 (Gbe) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.requesterId = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.requesterId);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionReadAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionWriteAccess);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 148; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 148; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 147) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 148; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* ICH straps */
- fprintf(fp, " /* ICH straps */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* ICHSTRAP0 */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.meDisable = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.meDisable);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved1 = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tcoMode = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tcoMode);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBusAddress = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBusAddress);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.bmcMode = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.bmcMode);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tripPointSelect = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tripPointSelect);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.integratedGbe = hasGbe ? 0x1 : 0x0;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.lanPhy = hasGbe ? 0x1 : 0x0;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.dmiRequesterId = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.dmiRequesterId);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBus2Address = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBus2Address);
- fprintf(fp, " /* ICHSTRAP1 */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.southMlink = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.southMlink);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.meSmbus = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.meSmbus);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.sstDynamic = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.sstDynamic);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink2 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink2);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved2 = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved3 = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 248; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 247) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* MCH straps */
- fprintf(fp, " /* MCH straps */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* MCHSTRAP0 */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meDisable = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meDisable);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meBootFromFlash = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meBootFromFlash);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.tpmDisable = 0x%01x; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.tpmDisable);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.spiFingerprint = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.spiFingerprint);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meAlternateDisable = 0x%01x;\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meAlternateDisable);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved2 = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved3 = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 3292; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 3292; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 3291) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 3292; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* ME VSCC Table */
- fprintf(fp, " /* ME VSCC Table */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid0 = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid0);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc0 = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc0);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid1 = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc1 = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc1);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid2 = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid2);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc2 = 0x%08x;\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc2);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 3) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Descriptor Map 2 Record */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Descriptor Map 2 Record */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableBaseAddress = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableBaseAddress);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableLength = 0x%02x;\n", descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableLength);
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.reserved = 0x%04x;\n", descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.reserved);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* OEM section */
- fprintf(fp, " /* OEM section */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* Magic String (ascii characters) */\n");
- for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", i, descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 248; j++) {
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", j, descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 247) {
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {\n");
- fprintf(fp, " descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- fprintf(fp, " return descriptorStruct;\n");
- fprintf(fp, "}\n\n");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fclose(fp); /* Always close the file when done. */
- return 0;
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Debugging functions:
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * show debugging info: descriptor region boundaries, in a 4KB struct.
- */
-void printDescriptorRegionLocations(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, char* romName)
- printf("\n");
- /* Descriptor region */
- printf(
- "%s: Descriptor start block: %08x ; Descriptor end block: %08x\n",
- romName,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT
- );
- /* BIOS region */
- printf(
- "%s: BIOS start block: %08x ; BIOS end block: %08x\n",
- romName,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT
- );
- /* ME region */
- printf(
- "%s: ME start block: %08x ; ME end block: %08x\n",
- romName,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT
- );
- /* GBe region */
- printf(
- "%s: GBe start block: %08x ; GBe end block: %08x\n",
- romName,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT
- );
- /* Platform region */
- printf(
- "%s: Platform start block: %08x ; Platform end block: %08x\n",
- romName,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT,
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT << FLREGIONBITSHIFT
- );
- return;
-/* This simply outputs (as strings) the contents of the descriptor */
-/* This outputs in pandoc-flavoured Markdown */
-int showDescriptorData(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct)
- int i, j;
- printf("DESCRIPTOR REGION\n");
- printf("=================\n\n");
- printf("Flash Valid Signature Register\n");
- printf("------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("Signature = 0x%08x\n\n", descriptorStruct.flValSig.signature);
- printf("Flash Map Registers\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("FLMAP0:\n\n");
- printf("- FCBA = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FCBA);
- printf("- NC = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NC);
- printf("- Reserved1 = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved1);
- printf("- FRBA = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FRBA);
- printf("- NR = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR);
- printf("- Reserved2 = 0x%02x\n\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved2);
- printf("FLMAP1:\n\n");
- printf("- FMBA = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FMBA);
- printf("- NM = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.NM);
- printf("- Reserved = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.reserved);
- printf("- FISBA = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FISBA);
- printf("- ISL = 0x%02x\n\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.ISL);
- printf("FLMAP2:\n\n");
- printf("- FMSBA = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.FMSBA);
- printf("- MSL = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.MSL);
- printf("- Reserved = 0x%04x\n\n", descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.reserved);
- printf("Component Section Record\n");
- printf("------------------------\n\n");
- printf("FLCOMP:\n\n");
- printf("- *Component 1* Density = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component1Density);
- printf("- *Component 2* Density = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component2Density);
- printf("- Reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved1);
- printf("- Reserved2 = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved2);
- printf("- Reserved3 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved3);
- printf("- *Read* Clock Frequency = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readClockFrequency);
- printf("- *Fast Read* Support = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastReadSupport);
- printf("- *Fast Read* Clock Frequency = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastreadClockFrequency);
- printf("- *Write/Erase* Clock Frequency = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.writeEraseClockFrequency);
- printf("- *Read Status* Clock Frequency = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readStatusClockFrequency);
- printf("- Reserved4 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved4);
- printf("FLILL:\n\n");
- printf("- flill = 0x%08x\n\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flill);
- printf("FLPB:\n\n");
- printf("- flpb = 0x%08x\n\n", descriptorStruct.componentSection.flpb);
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 36; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 35) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("Flash Descriptor Region Section\n");
- printf("-------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("This section defines the size and location of each region.\n\n");
- printf("FLREG0 (Descriptor):\n\n");
- printf("- flReg0BASE = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved1);
- printf("- LIMIT = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved2);
- printf("FLREG1 (BIOS):\n\n");
- printf("- BASE = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved1);
- printf("- LIMIT = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved2);
- printf("FLREG2 (ME):\n\n");
- printf("- BASE = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved1);
- printf("- LIMIT = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved2);
- printf("FLREG3 (Gbe):\n\n");
- printf("- BASE = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved1);
- printf("- LIMIT = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved2);
- printf("FLREG4 (Platform):\n\n");
- printf("- BASE = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved1);
- printf("- LIMIT = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved2);
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 11) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- /* Master Access Section */
- printf("Master Access Section\n");
- printf("---------------------\n\n");
- printf("FLMSTR1 (Host CPU / BIOS, e.g. flashrom running in GNU+Linux):\n\n");
- printf("*This is the part requiring modification for write protect!*\n\n");
- printf("- Requester ID = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.requesterId);
- printf("- *Descriptor region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *BIOS region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *ME region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *GbE region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *Platform region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- Reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved1);
- printf("- *Descriptor region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *BIOS region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *ME region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *GbE region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *Platform region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved2);
- printf("FLMSTR2 (ME):\n\n");
- printf("- Requester ID = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.requesterId);
- printf("- *Descriptor region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *BIOS region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *ME region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *GbE region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *Platform region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved1);
- printf("- *Descriptor region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *BIOS region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *ME region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *GbE region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *Platform region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved2);
- printf("FLMSTR3 (GbE):\n\n");
- printf("- Requester ID = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.requesterId);
- printf("- *Descriptor region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *BIOS region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *ME region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *GbE Region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- *Platform region* Read Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionReadAccess);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved1);
- printf("- *Descriptor region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *BIOS region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *ME region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *GbE region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- *Platform region* Write Access = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionWriteAccess);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved2);
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 148; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 148; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 147) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- /* ICH straps */
- printf("ICH straps\n");
- printf("----------\n\n");
- printf("ICHSTRAP0:\n\n");
- printf("- **ME Disable** = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.meDisable);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved1);
- printf("- TCO Mode = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tcoMode);
- printf("- SMBus Address = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBusAddress);
- printf("- BMC Mode = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.bmcMode);
- printf("- Trip Point Select = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tripPointSelect);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved2);
- printf("- Integrated GbE = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.integratedGbe);
- printf("- LAN Phy = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.lanPhy);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved3);
- printf("- DMI Requester ID = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.dmiRequesterId);
- printf("- SMBus2 Address = 0x%02x\n\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBus2Address);
- printf("ICHSTRAP1:\n\n");
- printf("- North M Link = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink);
- printf("- South M Link = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.southMlink);
- printf("- ME SMBus = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.meSmbus);
- printf("- SST Dynamic = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.sstDynamic);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved1);
- printf("- North M Link 2 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink2);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved2);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%04x\n\n", descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved3);
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 248; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 247) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("MCH straps\n");
- printf("----------\n\n");
- printf("MCHSTRAP0:\n\n");
- printf("- **ME Disable** = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meDisable);
- printf("- Boot ME from flash = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meBootFromFlash);
- printf("- **TPM Disable** = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.tpmDisable);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved1);
- printf("- SPI Fingerprint = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.spiFingerprint);
- printf("- ME Alternate Disable = 0x%01x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meAlternateDisable);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved2);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%04x\n\n", descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved3);
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 3292; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 3292; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 3291) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("ME VSCC Table\n");
- printf("-------------\n\n");
- printf("- JID0 = 0x%08x\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid0);
- printf("- VSCC0 = 0x%08x\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc0);
- printf("- JID1 = 0x%08x\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid1);
- printf("- VSCC1 = 0x%08x\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc1);
- printf("- JID2 = 0x%08x\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid2);
- printf("- VSCC2 = 0x%08x\n\n", descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc2);
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 3) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("Descriptor Map 2 Record\n");
- printf("-----------------------\n\n");
- printf("- *ME VSCC Table* Base Address = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableBaseAddress);
- printf("- *ME VSCC Table* Length = 0x%02x\n", descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableLength);
- printf("- reserved = 0x%04x\n", descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.reserved);
- printf("\n\n");
- printf("OEM section\n");
- printf("-----------\n\n");
- printf("Magic String:\n\n");
- for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", i, descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("Padding:\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
- if (descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- for (j = 0; j < 248; j++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%02x\n", j, descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[j]);
- }
- break;
- } else if (i == 247) {
- printf("- Every offset has a value of 0xFF\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/descriptor/descriptor.h b/util/ich9utils/src/descriptor/descriptor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd9c2342..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/descriptor/descriptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
- * descriptor/descriptor.h
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2019 Leah Rowe <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
- * Purpose: provide struct representing descriptor region.
- * Map actual buffers of this regions, directly to instances of these
- * structs. This makes working with descriptor really easy.
- *
- * bit fields used, corresponding to datasheet. See links to datasheets
- * and documentation in ich9deblob.c
- */
- * See docs/hardware/x200_remove_me.html for info plus links to datasheet (also linked below)
- *
- * Info about flash descriptor (read page 845 onwards):
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "../gbe/gbe.h" /* Needed for GBEREGIONSIZE_4K/8K define */
-/* size of the descriptor in bytes */
-/* ROM image sizes in bytes */
-#define ROMSIZE_512KB 0x80000
-#define ROMSIZE_1MB 0x100000
-#define ROMSIZE_2MB 0x200000
-#define ROMSIZE_4MB 0x400000
-#define ROMSIZE_8MB 0x800000
-#define ROMSIZE_16MB 0x1000000
- * Related to the flash descriptor
- * bits 12(0xC)-24(0x18) are represented for words found in the flash descriptor
- * To manipulate these easily in C, we shift them by FLREGIONBITSHIFT and then shift them back when done
- * (because this is how data is stored in the flash descriptor)
- */
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Descriptor struct representing the data
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* Flash Valid Signature Register */
-struct FLVALSIG
- /*
- * 4 bytes.
- * descriptor mode = 0FF0A55A (hex, big endian). Note: stored in ROM in little endian order.
- * Anything else is considered invalid and will put the system in non-descriptor mode.
- */
- uint32_t signature; /* Put 0x0FF0A55A here. confirmed in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
-/* */
-struct FLMAP0
- /* least signicant bits */
- uint8_t FCBA : 8;
- uint8_t NC : 2;
- uint8_t reserved1 : 6;
- uint8_t FRBA : 8;
- uint8_t NR : 3;
- uint8_t reserved2 : 5;
- /* most significant bits. */
-struct FLMAP1
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t FMBA : 8;
- uint8_t NM : 3;
- uint8_t reserved : 5;
- uint8_t FISBA : 8;
- uint8_t ISL : 8;
- /* most significant bits */
-struct FLMAP2
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t FMSBA : 8;
- uint8_t MSL : 8;
- uint16_t reserved : 16;
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Flash Map Registers */
-struct FLMAPS
- struct FLMAP0 flMap0;
- struct FLMAP1 flMap1;
- struct FLMAP2 flMap2;
-/* Flash Components Register */
-struct FLCOMP
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t component1Density : 3;
- uint8_t component2Density : 3;
- uint8_t reserved1 : 2;
- uint8_t reserved2 : 8;
- uint8_t reserved3 : 1;
- uint8_t readClockFrequency : 3;
- uint8_t fastReadSupport : 1;
- uint8_t fastreadClockFrequency : 3;
- uint8_t writeEraseClockFrequency : 3;
- uint8_t readStatusClockFrequency : 3;
- uint8_t reserved4 : 2;
- /* most significant bits */
- struct FLCOMP flcomp;
- uint32_t flill;
- uint32_t flpb;
- uint8_t padding[36];
-struct FLREG
- /* least significant bits */
- uint16_t BASE : 13;
- uint16_t reserved1 : 3;
- uint16_t LIMIT : 13;
- uint16_t reserved2 : 3;
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Flash Descriptor Region Section */
- * Defines where all the regions begin/end.
- * This is very important for disabling ME/AMT
- */
- struct FLREG flReg0; /* Descriptor */
- struct FLREG flReg1; /* BIOS */
- struct FLREG flReg2; /* ME */
- struct FLREG flReg3; /* Gbe */
- struct FLREG flReg4; /* Platform */
- uint8_t padding[12];
-struct FLMSTR
- /* least significant bits */
- uint16_t requesterId : 16;
- uint8_t fdRegionReadAccess : 1;
- uint8_t biosRegionReadAccess : 1;
- uint8_t meRegionReadAccess : 1;
- uint8_t gbeRegionReadAccess : 1;
- uint8_t pdRegionReadAccess : 1;
- uint8_t reserved1 : 3; /* Must be zero, according to datasheet */
- uint8_t fdRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- uint8_t biosRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- uint8_t meRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- uint8_t gbeRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- uint8_t pdRegionWriteAccess : 1;
- uint8_t reserved2 : 3; /* Must be zero, according to datasheet */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Master Access Section */
- struct FLMSTR flMstr1; /* Flash Master 1 (Host CPU / BIOS) */
- struct FLMSTR flMstr2; /* Flash Master 2 (ME) */
- struct FLMSTR flMstr3; /* Flash Master 3 (Gbe) */
- uint8_t padding[148];
-struct ICHSTRAP0
- /* least significant bits */
- /* todo: add MeSmBus2Sel (boring setting) */
- uint8_t meDisable : 1; /* If true, ME is disabled. */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 6;
- uint8_t tcoMode : 1; /* TCO Mode: (Legacy,TCO Mode) The TCO Mode, along with the BMCMODE strap, determines the behavior of the IAMT SmBus controller. */
- uint8_t smBusAddress : 7; /* The ME SmBus 7-bit address. */
- uint8_t bmcMode : 1; /* BMC mode: If true, device is in BMC mode. If Intel(R) AMT or ASF using Intel integrated LAN then this should be false. */
- uint8_t tripPointSelect : 1; /* Trip Point Select: false the NJCLK input buffer is matched to 3.3v signal from the external PHY device, true is matched to 1.8v. */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 2;
- uint8_t integratedGbe : 1; /* Integrated GbE or PCI Express select: (PCI Express,,Integrated GbE) Defines what PCIe Port 6 is used for. */
- uint8_t lanPhy : 1; /* LANPHYPC_GP12_SEL: Set to 0 for GP12 to be used as GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output), or 1 for GP12 to be used for native mode as LAN_PHYPC for 82566 LCD device */
- uint8_t reserved3 : 3;
- uint8_t dmiRequesterId : 1; /* DMI requestor ID security check disable: The primary purpose of this strap is to support server environments with multiple CPUs that each have a different RequesterID that can access the Flash. */
- uint8_t smBus2Address : 7; /* The ME SmBus 2 7-bit address. */
- /* most significant bits */
-struct ICHSTRAP1
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t northMlink : 1; /* North MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Disable : Sets the default value for the South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable registers. */
- uint8_t southMlink : 1; /* South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the South MLink Dynamic Clock Gate Enable registers. */
- uint8_t meSmbus : 1; /* ME SmBus Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the ME SMBus Dynamic Clock Gate Enable for both the ME SmBus controllers. */
- uint8_t sstDynamic : 1; /* SST Dynamic Clock Gate Enable : Sets the default value for the SST Clock Gate Enable registers. */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 4;
- uint8_t northMlink2 : 1; /* North MLink 2 Non-Posted Enable : 'true':North MLink supports two downstream non-posted requests. 'false':North MLink supports one downstream non-posted requests. */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 7;
- uint16_t reserved3 : 16;
- /* most significant bits */
-/* ICH straps */
- struct ICHSTRAP0 ichStrap0;
- struct ICHSTRAP1 ichStrap1;
- uint8_t padding[248];
-struct MCHSTRAP0
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t meDisable : 1; /* If true, ME is disabled. */
- uint8_t meBootFromFlash : 1; /* ME boot from Flash - guessed location */
- uint8_t tpmDisable : 1; /* iTPM Disable : When set true, iTPM Host Interface is disabled. When set false (default), iTPM is enabled. */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 3;
- uint8_t spiFingerprint : 1; /* SPI Fingerprint Sensor Present: Indicates if an SPI Fingerprint sensor is present at CS#1. */
- uint8_t meAlternateDisable : 1; /* ME Alternate Disable: Setting this bit allows ME to perform critical chipset functions but prevents loading of any ME FW applications. */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 8;
- uint16_t reserved3 : 16;
- /* most significant bits */
-/* MCH straps */
- struct MCHSTRAP0 mchStrap0;
- uint8_t padding[3292];
-/* ME VSCC Table */
- uint32_t jid0;
- uint32_t vscc0;
- uint32_t jid1;
- uint32_t vscc1;
- uint32_t jid2;
- uint32_t vscc2;
- uint8_t padding[4];
-/* Descriptor Map 2 Record */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t meVsccTableBaseAddress : 8;
- uint8_t meVsccTableLength : 8;
- uint16_t reserved : 16;
- /* most significant bits */
-/* OEM section */
- uint8_t magicString[8];
- uint8_t padding[248];
-/* 4KiB descriptor region, goes at the beginning of the ROM image */
- struct FLVALSIG flValSig; /* Flash Valid Signature Register */
- struct FLMAPS flMaps; /* Flash Map Registers */
- struct COMPONENTSECTIONRECORD componentSection; /* Component Section Record */
- struct REGIONSECTIONRECORD regionSection; /* Flash Descriptor Region Section */
- struct MASTERACCESSSECTIONRECORD masterAccessSection; /* Master Access Section */
- struct ICHSTRAPSRECORD ichStraps; /* ICH straps */
- struct MCHSTRAPSRECORD mchStraps; /* MCH straps */
- struct MEVSCCTABLERECORD meVsccTable; /* ME VSCC Table */
- struct DESCRIPTORMAP2RECORD descriptor2Map; /* Descriptor Map 2 Record */
- struct OEMSECTIONRECORD oemSection; /* OEM section */
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Function declarations (keep gcc/make happy. check them in descriptor.c)
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-int validDescriptor(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorHostRegionsUnlocked(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorMeRegionsForbidden(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorMeRegionRemoved(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorPlatformRegionRemoved(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDisableMe(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorDisableTpm(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorMoveGbeToStart(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorGbeRegionRemoved(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorBiosRegionFillImageAfterGbe(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorBiosRegionFillImageAfterDescriptor(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorOemString(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-int descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD librebootSetGbeBiosDescriptorRegions(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize);
-uint8_t componentDensity(unsigned int romSizeInBytes);
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD librebootDescriptorStructFromFactory(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, unsigned int romSize);
-int notCreatedHFileForDescriptorCFile(char* outFileName, char* cFileName);
-int notCreatedCFileFromDescriptorStruct(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, char* outFileName, char* headerFileName);
-void printDescriptorRegionLocations(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct, char* romName);
-int showDescriptorData(struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct);
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/gbe/gbe.c b/util/ich9utils/src/gbe/gbe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 31535f94..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/gbe/gbe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,748 +0,0 @@
- * gbe/gbe.c
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * 2014,2019 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
- * Provide gbe related functions.
- */
-/* structs describing the data from gbe region */
-#include "gbe.h"
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Gbe functions:
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-/* gbe checksum calculation (algorithm based on datasheet) */
-uint16_t gbeGetChecksumFrom4kBuffer(uint16_t* gbeWord, uint16_t desiredValue, int gbeRegionBase)
- int wordOffset;
- uint16_t total = 0;
- for (wordOffset = 0; wordOffset < 0x3F; wordOffset++)
- total += gbeWord[wordOffset + (gbeRegionBase>>1)];
- return desiredValue - total;
-/* checksum calculation for 4k gbe struct (algorithm based on datasheet) */
-uint16_t gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, uint16_t desiredValue)
- return gbeGetChecksumFrom4kBuffer((uint16_t*)&gbeStruct4k, desiredValue, 0);
-/* modify the gbe region extracted from a factory.rom dump */
-struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K deblobbedGbeStructFromFactory(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k)
- unsigned int i;
- /*
- *
- * That is a datasheet for a later chipset. Word 40H-53H seems (as per this datasheet) to be for AMT.
- * Writing over it doesn't seem to cause any harm, since the ME/AMT is already removed in libreboot.
- */
- for(i = 0; i < sizeof(gbeStruct8k.backup.padding); i++) {
- gbeStruct8k.backup.padding[i] = 0xFF; /* FF is correct. In the struct, this is a char buffer. */
- } /* We really only need to do this for words 40h-53h, but let's just nuke the whole lot. It's all 0xFF anyway. */
- /* Fix the checksum */
- gbeStruct8k.backup.checkSum = gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(gbeStruct8k.backup, GBECHECKSUMTOTAL);
- /* Main Gbe region on X200 (as shipped by Lenovo) is broken. Fix it by over-writing it with the contents of the backup */
- memcpy(&gbeStruct8k.main, &gbeStruct8k.backup, GBEREGIONSIZE_4K);
- return gbeStruct8k;
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * C code generator (self-writing code)
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * Generate a C (.h) header file for the C source file made by notCreatedCFileFromGbeStruct4k()
- *
- * Output it to a file.
- */
-int notCreatedHFileForGbeCFile(char* outFileName, char* cFileName)
- remove(outFileName); /* Remove the old file before continuing */
- /* Open the file that will be written to */
- FILE* fp = fopen(outFileName, "w+");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fprintf(fp, "/* %s: generated C code from ich9deblob */\n", outFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "/* .h header file for the gbe-generating C code (%s) */\n\n", cFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "#ifndef ICH9GEN_MKGBE_H\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#define ICH9GEN_MKGBE_H\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include <string.h>\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include \"../gbe/gbe.h\"\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K generatedGbeStruct4k();\n");
- fprintf(fp, "struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K generatedGbeStruct8k();\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#endif\n");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fclose(fp); /* Always close the file when done. */
- return 0;
- * Generate a C source file that initializes the same data from a given
- * 4KiB Gbe data structure.
- *
- * It will simply copy the 4KiB struct at the end to make a full 8KiB struct.
- * So just pass a working 4KiB Gbe struct here and you're good to go.
- *
- * Output it to a file.
- */
-int notCreatedCFileFromGbeStruct4k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, char* outFileName, char* headerFileName)
- int i;
- int paddingSize;
- int paddingIdentical;
- remove(outFileName); /* Remove the old file before continuing */
- /* Open the file that will be written to */
- FILE* fp = fopen(outFileName, "w+");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fprintf(fp, "/* %s: generated C code from ich9deblob */\n", outFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "/* .c source file for the gbe-generating C code */\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", headerFileName);
- fprintf(fp, "/* Generate a 4KiB Gbe struct, with default values. */\n");
- fprintf(fp, "/* Read ../gbe/gbe.h for an explanation of the default values used here */\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K generatedGbeStruct4k()\n");
- fprintf(fp, "{\n");
- fprintf(fp, " int i;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k;\n");
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Words 00h to 02h: MAC Address */
- fprintf(fp, " /* MAC address (words 00h to 02h) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* see ../gbe/gbe.c */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.macAddress[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", i, gbeStruct4k.macAddress[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 03h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 03h (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_0 = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_0);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.ibaLom = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.ibaLom);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 04h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 04h (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord04h = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord04h);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 05h (Image Version Information) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 05h (Image Version Information) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.imageVersionInformation = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.imageVersionInformation);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Words 06h and 07h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Words 06h and 07h (Reserved) */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWords06h07h[%d] = 0x%04x;\n", i, gbeStruct4k.reservedWords06h07h[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Words 08h and 09h (PBA Low and PBA High) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 08h and 09h (PBA Low and PBA High) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pbaLow = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pbaLow);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pbaHigh = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pbaHigh);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 0Ah (PCI Initialization Control Word) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 0Ah (PCI Initialization Control Word) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadVendorDeviceId = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadVendorDeviceId);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadSubsystemId = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadSubsystemId);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.pmEnable = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.pmEnable);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.auxPwr = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.auxPwr);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved4 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved4);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 0Bh (Subsystem ID) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 0Bh (Subsystem ID) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.subsystemId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.subsystemId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 0Ch (Subsystem Vendor ID) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 0Ch (Subsystem Vendor ID) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.subsystemVendorId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.subsystemVendorId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 0Dh (Device ID) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 0Dh (Device ID) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.deviceId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.deviceId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 0Eh (Vendor ID) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 0Eh (Vendor ID) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.vendorId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.vendorId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 0Fh (Device Revision ID) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 0Fh (Device Revision ID) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.deviceRevId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.deviceRevId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 10h (LAN Power Consumption) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 10h (LAN Power Consumption) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD3Power = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD3Power);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.reserved = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.reserved);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD0Power = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD0Power);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Words 11h and 12h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Words 11h and 12h (Reserved) */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWords11h12h[%d] = 0x%04x;\n", i, gbeStruct4k.reservedWords11h12h[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 13h (Shared Initialization Control Word) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 13h (Shared Initialization Control Word) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceDuplex = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceDuplex);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceSpeedEnable = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceSpeedEnable);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_0 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_0);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.phyPowerDownEnable = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.phyPowerDownEnable);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved4 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved4);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.sign = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.sign);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 14h (Extended Configuration Control Word 1) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 14h (Extended Configuration Control Word 1) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.extendedConfigurationPointer = 0x%03x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.extendedConfigurationPointer);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.oemWriteEnable = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.oemWriteEnable);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 15h (Extended Configuration Control Word 2) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 15h (Extended Configuration Control Word 2) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.reserved = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.reserved);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.extendedPhyLength = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.extendedPhyLength);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 16h (Extended Configuration Control Word 3) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 16h (Extended Configuration Control Word 3) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord3 = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord3);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 17h (LED 1 Configuration and Power Management) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 17h (LED 1 Configuration and Power Management) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Mode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Mode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1BlinkMode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1BlinkMode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Invert = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Invert);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Blink = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Blink);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnable = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnable);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnableNonD0a = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnableNonD0a);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisableNonD0a = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisableNonD0a);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisable = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisable);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved4 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved4);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 18h (LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 18h (LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Mode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Mode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0BlinkMode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0BlinkMode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Invert = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Invert);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Blink = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Blink);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Mode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Mode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2BlinkMode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2BlinkMode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Invert = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Invert);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Blink = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Blink);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 19h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 19h (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord19h = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord19h);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 1Ah (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 1Ah (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ah = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ah);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 1Bh (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 1Bh (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Bh = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Bh);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 1Ch (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 1Ch (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ch = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ch);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 1Dh (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 1Dh (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Dh = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Dh);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 1Eh (Device ID for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet controller) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 1Eh (Device ID for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet controller) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k._82567lmDeviceId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k._82567lmDeviceId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 1Fh (Device ID for Intel 82567LF gigabit ethernet controller) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 1Fh (Device ID for Intel 82567LF gigabit ethernet controller) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k._82567lfDeviceId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k._82567lfDeviceId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 20h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 20h (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord20h = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord20h);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 21h (Device ID for Intel 82567V gigabit ethernet controller) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 21h (Device ID for Intel 82567V gigabit ethernet controller) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k._82567vDeviceId = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k._82567vDeviceId);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 22h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 22h (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord22h = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord22h);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 23h (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 23h (Reserved) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWord23h = 0x%04x;\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord23h);
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Words 24h to 2Fh (Reserved) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Words 24h to 2Fh (Reserved) */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[%d] = 0x%04x;\n", i, gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Words 30h to 3Eh (PXE Software Region) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Words 30h to 3Eh (PXE Software Region) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " /* Boot Agent Main Setup Options (Word 30h) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.protocolSelect = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.protocolSelect);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.defaultBootSelection = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.defaultBootSelection);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.promptTime = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.promptTime);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.displaySetupMessage = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.displaySetupMessage);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved3 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved3);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceSpeed = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceSpeed);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceFullDuplex = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceFullDuplex);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved4 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved4);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.efiPresence = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.efiPresence);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.pxePresence = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.pxePresence);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 31h) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableSetupMenu = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableSetupMenu);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableTitleMessage = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableTitleMessage);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableProtocolSelect = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableProtocolSelect);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableBootSelection = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableBootSelection);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableLegacyWakeupSupport = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableLegacyWakeupSupport);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableFlashUpdate = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableFlashUpdate);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.ibaBootOrderSetupMode = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.ibaBootOrderSetupMode);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved2 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved2);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.signature = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.signature);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 32h) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.buildNumber = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.buildNumber);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.minorVersionNumber = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.minorVersionNumber);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.majorVersionNumber = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.majorVersionNumber);
- fprintf(fp, " /* IBA Capabilities (Word 33h) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.baseCodePresent = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.baseCodePresent);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.undiCapabilityPresent = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.undiCapabilityPresent);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved1 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.efiUndiCapabilityPresent = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.efiUndiCapabilityPresent);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_0 = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_0);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_1 = 0x%02x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_1);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.signature = 0x%01x;\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.signature);
- fprintf(fp, " /* Padding (Words 34h to 3Eh) */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[%d] = 0x%04x;\n", i, gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Word 3Fh (Checksum) */
- fprintf(fp, " /* Word 3Fh (Checksum) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.checkSum = gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(gbeStruct4k, GBECHECKSUMTOTAL);\n");
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* The rest of Gbe is just padding */
- paddingSize = sizeof(gbeStruct4k.padding);
- paddingIdentical = 1; /* Assume that it's all 0xFF, then try to disprove it */
- for (i = 0; i < paddingSize; i++) { /* check whether contents differ */
- if (gbeStruct4k.padding[i] != 0xFF) {
- paddingIdentical = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!paddingIdentical) {
- fprintf(fp, " /* The rest of Gbe (word 40h or byte 80h onwards) is just padding */\n");
- for (i = 0; i < paddingSize; i++) { /* contents are not all 0xFF, just spit them all out one by one */
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.padding[%d] = 0x%02x;\n", i, gbeStruct4k.padding[i]);
- }
- } else { /* contents are all 0xFF. Generate a small for loop that sets them all to 0xFF */
- fprintf(fp, " /* The rest of Gbe (word 40h or byte 80h onwards) is just padding (0xFF) */\n");
- fprintf(fp, " for (i = 0; i < %d; i++) {\n", paddingSize);
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct4k.padding[i] = 0xFF;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " }\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- fprintf(fp, " return gbeStruct4k;\n");
- fprintf(fp, "}\n\n");
- fprintf(fp, "struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K generatedGbeStruct8k()\n");
- fprintf(fp, "{\n");
- fprintf(fp, " struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k;\n");
- fprintf(fp, " gbeStruct8k.main = generatedGbeStruct4k();\n");
- fprintf(fp, " memcpy(&gbeStruct8k.backup, &gbeStruct8k.main, GBEREGIONSIZE_4K);\n");
- fprintf(fp, " return gbeStruct8k;\n");
- fprintf(fp, "}\n\n");
- /* ------------------------------ */
- fclose(fp); /* Always close the file when done. */
- return 0;
-int showGbeData(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k)
- int i;
- printf("GbE REGION\n");
- printf("==========\n");
- printf("A *word*, in this context, means two 8-bit bytes.\n\n");
- printf("**MAC address** (words 00h to 02h) = ");
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- printf("%02x", gbeStruct4k.macAddress[i]);
- if (i!=5) printf(":");
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- printf("Word 03h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reserved1_0 = 0x%02x\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_0);
- printf("- reserved1_1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_1);
- printf("- IBA Lom = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.ibaLom);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved2);
- printf("Word 04h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord04h = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord04h);
- /* Word 05h (Image Version Information) */
- printf("Word 05h (Image Version Information)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Image Version Information = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.imageVersionInformation);
- printf("Words 06h and 07h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("----------------------------\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%04x\n", i, gbeStruct4k.reservedWords06h07h[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- /* Words 08h and 09h (PBA Low and PBA High) */
- printf("Word 08h and 09h (PBA Low and PBA High)\n");
- printf("---------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- pbaLow = 0x%04x\n", gbeStruct4k.pbaLow);
- printf("- pbaHigh = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.pbaHigh);
- printf("Word 0Ah (PCI Initialization Control Word)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Load Vendor Device ID = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadVendorDeviceId);
- printf("- Load Subsystem ID = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadSubsystemId);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved1);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved2);
- printf("- PM Enable = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.pmEnable);
- printf("- Auxillary Power = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.auxPwr);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved3);
- printf("- reserved4 = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved4);
- printf("Word 0Bh (Subsystem ID)\n");
- printf("-----------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Subsystem ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.subsystemId);
- printf("Word 0Ch (Subsystem Vendor ID)\n");
- printf("------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Subsystem Vendor ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.subsystemVendorId);
- printf("Word 0Dh (Device ID)\n");
- printf("--------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Device ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.deviceId);
- printf("Word 0Eh (Vendor ID)\n");
- printf("--------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Vendor ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.vendorId);
- printf("Word 0Fh (Device Revision ID)\n");
- printf("-----------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Device Revision ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.deviceRevId);
- printf("Word 10h (LAN Power Consumption)\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- LAN D3 Power = 0x%02x\n", gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD3Power);
- printf("- reserved = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.reserved);
- printf("- LAN D0 Power = 0x%02x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD0Power);
- printf("Words 11h and 12h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("----------------------------\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%04x\n", i, gbeStruct4k.reservedWords11h12h[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- /* Word 13h (Shared Initialization Control Word) */
- printf("Word 13h (Shared Initialization Control Word)\n");
- printf("---------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved1);
- printf("- Force Duplex = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceDuplex);
- printf("- Force Speed Enable = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceSpeedEnable);
- printf("- reserved2_0 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_0);
- printf("- reserved2_1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_1);
- printf("- PHY Power Down Enable = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.phyPowerDownEnable);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved3);
- printf("- reserved4 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved4);
- printf("- Sign = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.sign);
- printf("Word 14h (Extended Configuration Control Word 1)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Extended Configuration Pointer = 0x%03x\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.extendedConfigurationPointer);
- printf("- OEM Write Enable = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.oemWriteEnable);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved1);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved2);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved3);
- printf("Word 15h (Extended Configuration Control Word 2)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reserved = 0x%02x\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.reserved);
- printf("- Extended PHY Length = 0x%02x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.extendedPhyLength);
- printf("Word 16h (Extended Configuration Control Word 3)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- Extended Configuration Control Word 3 = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord3);
- printf("Word 17h (LED 1 Configuration and Power Management)\n");
- printf("---------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- LED1 Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Mode);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved1);
- printf("- LED1 Blink Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1BlinkMode);
- printf("- LED1 Invert = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Invert);
- printf("- LED1 Blink = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Blink);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved2);
- printf("- LPLU Enable = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnable);
- printf("- LPLU Enable Non-D0a = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnableNonD0a);
- printf("- GbE Disable Non-D0a = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisableNonD0a);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved3);
- printf("- GbE Disable = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisable);
- printf("- reserved4 = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved4);
- printf("Word 18h (LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults)\n");
- printf("---------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- LED0 Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Mode);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved1);
- printf("- LED0 Blink Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0BlinkMode);
- printf("- LED0 Invert = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Invert);
- printf("- LED0 Blink = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Blink);
- printf("- LED2 Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Mode);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved2);
- printf("- LED2 Blink Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2BlinkMode);
- printf("- LED2 Invert = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Invert);
- printf("- LED2 Blink = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Blink);
- printf("Word 19h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord19h = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord19h);
- printf("Word 1Ah (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord1Ah = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ah);
- printf("Word 1Bh (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord1Bh = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Bh);
- printf("Word 1Ch (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord1Ch = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ch);
- printf("Word 1Dh (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord1Dh = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Dh);
- printf("Word 1Eh (Device ID for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet controller)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- 82567LM Device ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k._82567lmDeviceId);
- printf("Word 1Fh (Device ID for Intel 82567LF gigabit ethernet controller)\n");
- printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- 82567LF Device ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k._82567lfDeviceId);
- printf("Word 20h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord20h = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord20h);
- printf("Word 21h (Device ID for Intel 82567V gigabit ethernet controller)\n");
- printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("- 82567V Device ID = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k._82567vDeviceId);
- printf("Word 22h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord22h = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord22h);
- printf("Word 23h (Reserved)\n");
- printf("-------------------\n\n");
- printf("- reservedWord23h = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.reservedWord23h);
- printf("Words 24h to 2Fh (Reserved)\n");
- printf("---------------------------\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%04x\n", i, gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("Words 30h to 3Eh (PXE Software Region)\n");
- printf("--------------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("Boot Agent Main Setup Options (Word 30h):\n\n");
- printf("- Protocol Select = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.protocolSelect);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved1);
- printf("- Default Boot Selection = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.defaultBootSelection);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved2);
- printf("- Prompt Time = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.promptTime);
- printf("- Display Setup Message = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.displaySetupMessage);
- printf("- reserved3 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved3);
- printf("- Force Speed = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceSpeed);
- printf("- Force Full Duplex = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceFullDuplex);
- printf("- reserved4 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved4);
- printf("- EFI Presence = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.efiPresence);
- printf("- PXE Presence = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.pxePresence);
- printf("Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 31h):\n\n");
- printf("- Disable Setup Menu = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableSetupMenu);
- printf("- Disable Title Message = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableTitleMessage);
- printf("- Disable Protocol Select = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableProtocolSelect);
- printf("- Disable Boot Selection = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableBootSelection);
- printf("- Disable Legacy Wakeup Support = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableLegacyWakeupSupport);
- printf("- Disable Flash Update = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableFlashUpdate);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved1);
- printf("- IBA Boot Order Setup Mode = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.ibaBootOrderSetupMode);
- printf("- reserved2 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved2);
- printf("- Signature = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.signature);
- printf("Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 32h):\n\n");
- printf("- Build Number = 0x%02x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.buildNumber);
- printf("- Minor Version Number = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.minorVersionNumber);
- printf("- Major Version Number = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.majorVersionNumber);
- printf("IBA Capabilities (Word 33h):\n\n");
- printf("- Base Code Present = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.baseCodePresent);
- printf("- UNDI Capability Present = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.undiCapabilityPresent);
- printf("- reserved1 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved1);
- printf("- EFI UndiCapabilityPresent = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.efiUndiCapabilityPresent);
- printf("- reserved2_0 = 0x%01x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_0);
- printf("- reserved2_1 = 0x%02x\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_1);
- printf("- Signature = 0x%01x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.signature);
- printf("Padding (Words 34h to 3Eh):\n\n");
- for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- printf("- Offset %d = 0x%04x\n", i, gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("Word 3Fh (Checksum):\n\n");
- printf("- Check Sum = 0x%04x\n\n", gbeStruct4k.checkSum);
- printf("The rest of this section is irrelevant. It can all be set to 0xFF.\n\n");
- return 0;
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Debugging functions:
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- * show debugging info: show calculated (correct) gbe checksum and what
- * is actually stored, in a 4K gbe struct. Only for a single region.
- */
-void printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct4k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, char* romName, char* regionName)
- printf(
- "%s Gbe (%s): calculated Gbe checksum: 0x%hx and actual GBe checksum: 0x%hx\n",
- romName,
- regionName,
- gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(gbeStruct4k, GBECHECKSUMTOTAL),
- gbeStruct4k.checkSum
- );
- return;
- * show debugging info: show calculated (correct) gbe checksum and what
- * is actually stored, in a 8K gbe struct. Do so for main and backup regions.
- */
-void printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct8k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k, char* romName)
- printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct4k(gbeStruct8k.main, romName, "main");
- printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct4k(gbeStruct8k.backup, romName, "backup");
- return;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/gbe/gbe.h b/util/ich9utils/src/gbe/gbe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2352f7d7..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/gbe/gbe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
- * gbe/gbe.h
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * 2014,2019 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
- * Purpose: provide struct representing gbe region.
- * Map actual buffers of this regions, directly to instances of these
- * structs. This makes working with gbe really easy.
- */
- * bit fields used, corresponding to datasheet. See links to datasheets
- * and documentation in ich9deblob.c
- */
- /*
- * See docs/hardware/x200_remove_me.html for info plus links to datasheet (also linked below)
- *
- * Info about Gbe region (read whole datasheet):
- *
- *
- */
-#ifndef GBESTRUCT_H
-#define GBESTRUCT_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "../descriptor/descriptor.h"
-/* Size of the full gbe region in bytes */
-#define GBEREGIONSIZE_8K 0x2000
- * Size of each sub-region in gbe.
- * gbe contains two regions which
- * can be identical: main and backup.
- * These are each half the size of the full region
- */
-#define GBEREGIONSIZE_4K 0x1000
- * When adding up the first 0x3F 16-bit words
- * in a 4KiB GBE region, it should be equal
- * to 0xBABA
- */
- * These will have a modified descriptor+gbe based on what's in the factory.rom
- * These will be joined into a single 12KiB buffer (descriptor, then gbe) and saved to a file
- * NOTE: The GBE region of 8K is actually 2x 4K regions in a single region; both 4K blocks can be identical (and by default, are)
- * The 2nd one is a "backup", but we don't know when it's used. perhaps it's used when the checksum on the first one does not match?
- */
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Gbe struct representing the data:
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t reserved1_0 : 8; /* bits should all be set to zero */
- uint8_t reserved1_1 : 3; /* ^ part of above. Separated so that the bitfields align */
- uint8_t ibaLom : 1; /* set to 1 for intel boot agent to work (i.e. set it to 0) */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 4; /* bits should all be set to zero */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Word 0A */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t loadVendorDeviceId : 1; /* 1 = load from NVM. 0 = load from MAC fuses. It's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t loadSubsystemId : 1; /* 1 = load from NVM. 0 = load from MAC fuses. It's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Set to 0 (according to datasheet). 0 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 3; /* Reserved. Set them to 0 (according to datasheet). 0 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t pmEnable : 1; /* Power Management Enable. 1=Enable. It's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t auxPwr : 1; /* Auxiliary Power Indication. See datasheet. it's 1 in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved3 : 4; /* Reserved. Set to 0000 (according to datasheet). */
- uint8_t reserved4 : 4; /* Reserved. Set to 0001 (according to datasheet). */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Word 10h. */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t lanD3Power : 5; /* It's 00001b (0x1) in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved : 3; /* Reserved. These bits should all be 0. confirmed from deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t lanD0Power : 8; /* default value: 0x0D (according to datasheet). confirmed from deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Word 13h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 3; /* Reserved. These bits should be set to 101 (0x5) in binary (according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */
- uint8_t forceDuplex : 1; /* Hardware default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin. Presumably to set whether the chipset is to operate at full- or half-duplex */
- uint8_t forceSpeedEnable : 1; /* Hardware default is 0. Presumably to limited speed eg 10, 10/100, 10/100/1000 */
- uint8_t reserved2_0 : 3; /* Reserved. All bits should be set to 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved2_1 : 1; /* ^ part of above. separated so that bitfields align */
- uint8_t phyPowerDownEnable : 1; /* PHY Power Down in D3/Dr (if WoL is disabled), 1 means Enable power down. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */
- uint8_t reserved3 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be set to 1 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved4 : 3; /* Reserved. These bits should all be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* ^ reserved4: indicates whether a valid NVM is present. If invalid, MAC does not read NVM and uses default values. */
- /* 00 = invalid NVM, 01 = invalid NVM, 10 = valid NVM present, 11 = invalid NVM */
- /* Default should be 10 (binary) according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t sign : 2; /* Make sure to set this to 0x2 (10 in binary) */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Word 14h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint16_t extendedConfigurationPointer: 12; /* dword: base address of extended configuration area in NVM. should not be zero. Default is 020h according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t oemWriteEnable : 1; /* 1=enable. if set, loads oem bits from phy_ctrl register to the 82567. loaded to EXTCNF_CTRL register. default is 1 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. default value 1 according to datasheet and deblobed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. default value 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved3 : 1; /* Reserved. default value 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Word 15h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t reserved : 8; /* Reserved. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t extendedPhyLength : 8; /* dword: size of extended phy configuration area. most be 0 if phy config area is disabled. default is 0000101 (binary) or 05 (hex) according to datasheet, but 00001010 (0A) according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin. Is 0000101 (in the datasheet) a typo that actually means 00001010? */
- /* most significant bits */
- * Word 17h: LED 1 Configuration and Power Management
- *
- * Default values for LEDCTL register fields controlling LED1 (LINK_1000)
- * output behaviours and OEM fields that define PHY power management
- * parameters loaded to the PHY_CTRL register.
- */
-struct LED_CTL_1 {
- /* least significant bits */
- /* See page 16 in the datasheet to show the different modes. deblobbed_descriptor.bin has "ACTIVITY" mode set */
- uint8_t led1Mode : 4; /* Default value 0111 (bin) 7 (hex) says datasheet. 1011 (bin) B (hex) according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led1BlinkMode : 1; /* 0 = slow blink, 1 = fast blink. should be identical to led0 blink mode. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* By setting this and led0 blink mode (see word 18h) to 1, you could enable a faster blinking on the LED's where the ethernet cable goes
- * on the gigabit ethernet port. Not really useful. Slow blink is fine, and probably better (the LED will probably last longer) */
- uint8_t led1Invert : 1; /* initial value of LED1_IVRT field. 0 = led1 has active low output, 1 is high active output. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led1Blink : 1; /* 1 = led1 blinks, 0 = it does not. default 0 according to datasheet, but it's 1 in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. should be 1 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t lpluEnable : 1; /* Low Power Link Up. Enable links at lowest supported speed by both link partners in all power states. 1=enabled(all power states), 0=disabled. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t lpluEnableNonD0a : 1; /* Low Power Link up (non-D0a states). Same as above but only for non-D0a states. default is 1 according to and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t gbeDisableNonD0a : 1; /* If set to 1, disable gigabit speeds in non-D0a power states. Must be 1 (according to datasheet) because GbE is not supported in Sx mode. It's also set to 1 in deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved3 : 2; /* Reserved. Datasheet says both bits should be 0 (confirmed in deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */
- uint8_t gbeDisable : 1; /* When 1, gigabit speeds are disabled in all power states including D0a. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved4 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be 1, according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* most significant bits */
- * Word 18: LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults
- *
- * Hardware defaults for LEDCTL register fields controlling LED0 (LINK/ACTIVITY)
- * and LED2 (LINK_100) output behaviours.
- */
-struct LED_CTL_02 {
- /* least significant bits */
- /* see page 16 in datasheet to show the different modes. deblobbed_descriptor has "LINK-UP" mode set */
- uint8_t led0Mode : 4; /* default value 0100 (bin) or 4 (hex) according to datasheet. It's 0010 (bin) or 2 (hex) according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be set to 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led0BlinkMode : 1; /* This should be the same as led1BlinkMode (see word 17h). Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led0Invert : 1; /* initial value of LED0_IVRT field. 0 = led0 has active low output, 1 is high active output. Default is 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led0Blink : 1; /* LED0_BLINK field. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* see page 16 in datasheet to shew the different modes. deblobbed_descriptor has "LINK_100" mode set */
- uint8_t led2Mode : 4; /* default value 0110 (bin) or 6 (hex) according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led2BlinkMode : 1; /* 0 = slow blink. 1 = fast. default 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led2Invert : 1; /* LED2_IVRT field. Should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint8_t led2Blink : 1; /* LED2_BLINK field. should be 0 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- /* most significant bits */
-/* Word 30h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t protocolSelect : 2; /* Default 00 binary (PXE) according to datasheet. 01 is reserved. 10/11 are undefined. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00 */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t defaultBootSelection : 2; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00 (binary). 00 is network boot, then local. 01 is local boot, then network. 10 is network boot only. 11 is local boot only */
- uint8_t reserved2 : 1; /* Reserved. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. */
- uint8_t promptTime : 2; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00. delay for how long "press ctrl-s" setup prompt message appears. 00 = 2 secs, 01 is 3 secs, 10 is 5 secs, 11 is 0 secs. */
- uint8_t displaySetupMessage : 1; /* default 1 says datasheet. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1. if 1, "ctrl-s" setup prompt message appears after the title message. */
- uint8_t reserved3 : 1; /* Datasheet says to set 0. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. */
- uint8_t forceSpeed : 2; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 00. 00 = auto-negotiate, 01 = 10Mbps, 10 = 100Mbps, 11 = "not allowed" */
- uint8_t forceFullDuplex : 1; /* deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. Only relevant when bits 10/11 are set; if so, then: 0 = half duplex, 1 = full duplex */
- uint8_t reserved4 : 1; /* Reserved. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. datasheet recommends 0. */
- uint8_t efiPresence : 1; /* 1 means that an EFI image is present (0 means not present). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. if 1, eeprom word 33h (efi version) becomes valid. if pxePresent is 1, that means EFI and PXE are both present.*/
- uint8_t pxePresence : 1; /* 0 means that a PXE image is present. 1 means to pxe present. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0. if 0, then word 32h (PXE version) in eeprom becomes valid */
- /* most significant bits */
- /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't)
- * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */
-/* Word 31h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t disableSetupMenu : 1; /* 1 means invoking setup menu with ctrl-s won't work. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 (as is default, per datasheet) */
- uint8_t disableTitleMessage : 1; /* 1 means that title in boot agent screen is suppressed, as is ctrl-s message. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t disableProtocolSelect : 1; /* 1 means no changes to boot protocol are allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t disableBootSelection : 1; /* 1 means no changes in boot order option menu are allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t disableLegacyWakeupSupport : 1; /* 1 means no changes in legacy wakeup support menu is allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t disableFlashUpdate : 1; /* 1 means no changes to flash image using PROset is allowed. default is 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 2; /* Reserved. Datasheet says these must be 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin sets them to 0. */
- /*
- * deblobbed_descriptor says 000
- * 000 = normal behaviour
- * see datasheet (page 21) for other modes.
- */
- uint8_t ibaBootOrderSetupMode : 3;
- uint8_t reserved2 : 3; /* Reserved. Datasheet says these must be set to 0, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin sets them to 0. */
- uint8_t signature : 2; /* Must be set to 01 to indicate that this whole word has been configured by the agent or other software. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 01. */
- /* most significant bits */
- /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't)
- * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */
-/* Word 32h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t buildNumber : 8; /* PXE boot agent build number. default is 28 (hex). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 18 (hex) */
- uint8_t minorVersionNumber : 4; /* PXE boot agent minor number. default is 2 (hex). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 3 (hex) */
- uint8_t majorVersionNumber : 4; /* PXE boot agent major number. default is F (hex). deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 (hex) */
- /* most significant bits */
- /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't)
- * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */
-/* Word 33h */
- /* least significant bits */
- uint8_t baseCodePresent : 1; /* 0 means PXE base code is indicated as being present. 1 (default) means not. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */
- uint8_t undiCapabilityPresent : 1; /* 1 (default) means pxe/undi capability is indicated present. 0 means not present. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */
- uint8_t reserved1 : 1; /* Reserved. Must be 1. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 1 */
- uint8_t efiUndiCapabilityPresent : 1; /* EFI UNDI capability present: 0 (default) means not present. 1 means present. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 0 */
- uint8_t reserved2_0 : 4; /* reserved. all bits must be 0. deblobbed_descriptor.bin sets them to 0. */
- uint8_t reserved2_1 : 6; /* ^ part of reserved2_0. split this way so that the bitfields align */
- uint8_t signature : 2; /* must be 01 to indicate that the word is configured by the agent or other software. deblobbed_descriptor.bin says 01 */
- /* most significant bits */
- /* This whole data structure is pointless, since libreboot doesn't (read: won't)
- * include the proprietary intel boot agent. Struct exists here simply for documentations sake. */
-/* Words 30h to 3Eh */
- struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_MAIN_SETUP_OPTIONS bootAgentMainSetupOptions; /* Word 30h */
- struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS_31H bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h; /* Word 31h */
- struct GBE_PXE_BOOT_AGENT_CONFIGURATION_CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS_32H bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h; /* Word 32h */
- struct GBE_PXE_IBA_CAPABILITIES ibaCapabilities; /* Word 33h */
- /* Words 34h to 3Eh (padding). Set these to 0xFFFF (according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */
- uint16_t paddingWords34hTo3Eh[11];
- /*
- * the pxe software region is practically useless in libreboot, since
- * libreboot does not include the intel boot agent (it's proprietary software).
- *
- * Having this struct in place is simply for documentations sake. It is completely
- * irrelevant what you put here. filling it with 0xFFFF would probably be fine.
- */
- uint8_t macAddress[6]; /* Word 00 to 02 */
- struct GBE_RESERVED_WORD_03H reservedWord03h; /* Reserved word 03. */
- uint16_t reservedWord04h; /* Reserved word 04: set it to 0xFFFF (according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */
- uint16_t imageVersionInformation; /* Reserved word 05: 83 10 (little endian) in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin. Set this to 0x1083 (in C, assuming little endian byte order). "cannot be changed" according to datasheet */
- uint16_t reservedWords06h07h[2]; /* Reserved words 06-07: set both to 0xFFFF (according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin) */
- /*
- * Word 08 and 09 (pba low and pba high):
- *
- * Both of these should be set to 0xFFFF by default, according to the datasheet.
- * "nine digit printed board assembly (PBA) number" for intel cards to be stored
- * in a 4 byte (read: 2 word) field.
- *
- * Example: if pba number is 123456-003, then word 08 should be 1234h and word 09 becomes 5603.
- * Note: 1234 and 5603 above are big endian. In the image it would actually be 34 12 and 0356
- *
- * Example: in mine it was (in the image): 08 10 FF FF. That becomes 1008h and FFFFh, or
- * basically: 1008FF-0FF. The same was observed in another.
- *
- * Setting it to FF FF FF FF should be fine, according to the datasheet.
- */
- uint16_t pbaLow; /* Word 08. Set it to 0x1008 (according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin). */
- uint16_t pbaHigh; /* Word 09. Set it to 0xFFFF (according to deblobbed_descriptor.bin). */
- /* Word 0A */
- struct GBE_PCI_INITIALIZATION_CONTROL_WORD pciInitializationControlWord;
- /*
- * Word 0B; subsystem ID
- *
- * If load subsystem ID bit of word 0A (pci init control word) is
- * set to 1 (read: it is. in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin), store
- * the subsystem id here. Datasheet says that the default value is
- * 0000h, but you should set this to 20EEh (little endian: EE 20)
- */
- uint16_t subsystemId; /* Set this to 0x20EE */
- /*
- * Word 0C; subsystem vendor ID
- *
- * If load subsystem vendor ID bit of word 0A (pci init control word)
- * is set to 1 (read: it is. in my deblobbed_descriptor.bin), store
- * the subsystem vendor id here. Datasheet says that the default
- * value is 8086h, but you should set this to 17AAh (lendian: AA 17).
- */
- uint16_t subsystemVendorId; /* Set this to 0x17AA */
- /*
- * Word 0D: device ID
- *
- * If load vendor/device ID in word 0A (pci init control word) is 1
- * (it is) then this word is used to init device id using word 21h,
- * 1Eh or 1Fh. In my case, deviceId is 0x10F5. Word 21h is set to
- * 0x10CB, word 1Eh is 0x10F5 and 1Fh is 0x10BF
- *
- * The datasheet says that 10F5 is for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet
- * controller; 10BF is for Intel 82567LF and 10CB is for Intel 82567V.
- *
- * Based on this, the X200 is shown to have the Intel 82567LM ethernet
- * controller.
- */
- uint16_t deviceId; /* Set this to 0x10F5. */
- /* It is important that this is correct, for the linux kernel driver */
- /*
- * Word 0E: vendor ID
- *
- * If load vendor/device ID in word 0A (pci init control) is 1 (it is),
- * then this word used read to initialize the PCI vendor ID. Default
- * value is 8086 according to datasheets, and deblobbed_descriptor.bin.
- *
- * Intel is often 8086 as a PCI vendor ID. Because 8086. As in the CPU architecture.
- */
- uint16_t vendorId;
- uint16_t deviceRevId; /* Word 0F: reserved bits. Set all bits to 0. */
- struct GBE_LAN_POWER_CONSUMPTION lanPowerConsumption; /* Word 10: LAN Power Consumption (see struct definition) */
- uint16_t reservedWords11h12h[2]; /* Words 11-12: Reserved. Set both of them to 0x0000 (according to datasheet). */
- /* Word 13: Shared Initialization Control Word */
- struct GBE_SHARED_INITIALIZATION_CONTROL_WORD sharedInitializationControlWord;
- /* Word 14: Extended Configuration Control Word 1 */
- struct GBE_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL_WORD_1 extendedConfigurationControlWord1;
- /* Word 15: Extended Configuration Control Word 2 */
- struct GBE_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL_WORD_2 extendedConfigurationControlWord2;
- /* Word 16: Extended Configuration Control Word 3 */
- /* All bits reserved. Datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin say to set it to zero */
- uint16_t extendedConfigurationControlWord3;
- struct LED_CTL_1 ledCtl1; /* Word 17: LED 1 Configuration and Power Management */
- struct LED_CTL_02 ledCtl02; /* Word 18: LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults */
- uint16_t reservedWord19h; /* Word 19: Reserved. Default is 0x2B00 according to datasheet, but in deblobbed_descriptor.bin it is 0x2B40 */
- uint16_t reservedWord1Ah; /* Word 1A: Reserved. Default is 0x0043 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWord1Bh; /* Word 1B: Reserved. Should be 0x0000 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWord1Ch; /* Word 1C: Reserved. Should be 0x10F5 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWord1Dh; /* Word 1D: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t _82567lmDeviceId; /* Word 1E: Device ID for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet controller (note: X200 uses this). Should be 0x10F5 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin*/
- uint16_t _82567lfDeviceId; /* Word 1F: Device ID for Intel 82567LF gigabit ethernet controller. Should be 0x10BF according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWord20h; /* Word 20: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t _82567vDeviceId; /* Word 21: Device ID for Intel 82567V gigabit ethernet controller. Should be 0x10CB according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWord22h; /* Word 22: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWord23h; /* Word 23: Reserved. Should be 0xBAAD according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- uint16_t reservedWords24to2Fh[12]; /* Words 24-2F: Reserved. These should all be 0x0000 according to datasheet and deblobbed_descriptor.bin */
- struct GBE_PXE_SOFTWARE_REGION pxeSoftwareRegion; /* Words 30-3E: PXE Software Region */
- uint16_t checkSum; /* when added to the sum of all words above, this should match GBECHECKSUMTOTAL */
- /* set all bytes in here to 0xFF */
- uint8_t padding[3968];
-/* main and backup region in gbe */
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K main;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K backup;
- /*
- * Backup region:
- * This is actually "main" on X200, since the real main has a bad checksum
- * and other errors. You should do what you need on this one (if modifying
- * lenovobios's gbe region) and then copy to main
- */
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Function declarations (keep gcc/make happy. check them in gbe.c)
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-uint16_t gbeGetChecksumFrom4kBuffer(uint16_t* gbeWord, uint16_t desiredValue, int gbeRegionBase);
-uint16_t gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, uint16_t desiredValue);
-struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K deblobbedGbeStructFromFactory(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K factoryGbeStruct8k);
-int notCreatedHFileForGbeCFile(char* outFileName, char* cFileName);
-int notCreatedCFileFromGbeStruct4k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, char* outFileName, char* headerFileName);
-int showGbeData(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k);
-void printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct4k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k, char* romName, char* regionName);
-void printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct8k(struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k, char* romName);
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9deblob.c b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9deblob.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c29814f2..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9deblob.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
- * ich9deblob.c
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: disable and remove the ME from ich9m/gm45 systems in coreboot.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2019 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-/* Initially based on proof of concept by Steve Shenton. */
-/* Original utility can be found at */
- * Read a factory.rom dump (ich9m/gm45 systems) and
- * modify the flash descriptor to remove all regions except descriptor,
- * Gbe and BIOS. Set BIOS region to full size of the ROM image (after
- * the flash descriptor and gbe). Basically, deblob the descriptor.
- *
- * This will will generate a concatenated descriptor+gbe dump suitable
- * for use in libreboot. Currently tested: ThinkPad X200 (coreboot/libreboot)
- */
- * See docs/hardware/x200_remove_me.html for info plus links to datasheet (also linked below)
- *
- * Info about flash descriptor (read page 845 onwards):
- *
- *
- * Info about Gbe region (read whole datasheet):
- *
- *
- */
-#include "ich9deblob.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct;
- uint8_t* descriptorBuffer = (uint8_t*)&descriptorStruct;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k;
- uint8_t* gbeBuffer8k = (uint8_t*)&gbeStruct8k;
- uint32_t gbeRegionStart;
- char* romFilename = "factory.rom";
- if(argc>1) {
- romFilename = argv[1];
- }
- char* descriptorGbeFilename = "deblobbed_descriptor.bin";
- char* descriptorNoGbeFilename = "deblobbed_4kdescriptor.bin";
- unsigned int bufferLength;
- unsigned int romSize;
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Compatibility checks. This version of ich9deblob is not yet portable.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (systemOrCompilerIncompatible(descriptorStruct, gbeStruct8k)) return 1;
- /* If true, fail with error message */
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Extract the descriptor and gbe regions from the factory.rom dump
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- FILE* fp = NULL;
- fp = fopen(romFilename, "rb"); /* open factory.rom */
- if (NULL == fp)
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not open %s\n", romFilename);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\n%s opened successfully\n", romFilename);
- /*
- * Get the descriptor region dump from the factory.rom
- * (goes in factoryDescriptorBuffer variable)
- */
- bufferLength = fread(descriptorBuffer, 1, DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE, fp);
- if (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE != bufferLength) //
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not read descriptor from %s (%i) bytes read\n", romFilename, bufferLength);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\ndescriptor region read successfully\n");
- if(!validDescriptor(descriptorStruct)) {
- printf("Invalid input: incorrect signature in the given descriptor.");
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- gbeRegionStart = descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT;
- /*
- * Set offset so that we can read the data from
- * the gbe region
- */
- fseek(fp, gbeRegionStart, SEEK_SET);
- /* Read the gbe data from the factory.rom and put it in factoryGbeBuffer8k */
- bufferLength = fread(gbeBuffer8k, 1, GBEREGIONSIZE_8K, fp);
- if (GBEREGIONSIZE_8K != bufferLength)
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not read GBe region from %s (%i) bytes read\n", romFilename, bufferLength);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\ngbe (8KiB) region read successfully\n");
- }
- fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
- romSize = ftell(fp);
- printf("\n%s size: [%i] bytes\n", romFilename, romSize);
- fclose(fp);
- /* Debugging (before modification) */
- printDescriptorRegionLocations(descriptorStruct, "Original");
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct8k(gbeStruct8k, "Original");
- else printf("NO GBE REGION\n");
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Modify the descriptor and gbe regions, ready to go in libreboot.rom
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* Delete the ME/Platform regions, place Gbe after the descriptor, resize BIOS region to fill the gap */
- descriptorStruct = librebootDescriptorStructFromFactory(descriptorStruct, romSize);
- /* The ME is disallowed read-write access to all regions
- * (this is probably redundant, since the ME firmware is already removed from libreboot) */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorMeRegionsForbidden(descriptorStruct);
- /* Host/CPU is allowed to read/write all regions.
- * This makes flashrom -p internal work */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorHostRegionsUnlocked(descriptorStruct);
- /* Set OEM string */
- descriptorStruct = descriptorOemString(descriptorStruct);
- /* Modify the Gbe region (see function for details) */
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- gbeStruct8k = deblobbedGbeStructFromFactory(gbeStruct8k);
- /* Debugging (after modifying the descriptor and gbe regions) */
- printDescriptorRegionLocations(descriptorStruct, "Modified");
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- printGbeChecksumDataFromStruct8k(gbeStruct8k, "Modified");
- else printf("NO GBE REGION\n");
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Create the file with the modified descriptor and gbe inside
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- printf("\n");
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct, gbeStruct8k, descriptorGbeFilename)) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStruct, descriptorNoGbeFilename)) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate ich9gen data (C code that will recreate the deblobbed descriptor+gbe from scratch)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* Code for generating the Descriptor struct */
- /* mkdescriptor.h */
- if (notCreatedHFileForDescriptorCFile("mkdescriptor.h", "mkdescriptor.c")) {
- return 1;
- } /* and now mkdescriptor.c */
- if (notCreatedCFileFromDescriptorStruct(descriptorStruct, "mkdescriptor.c", "mkdescriptor.h")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- /* Code for generating the Gbe struct */
- /* mkgbe.h */
- if (notCreatedHFileForGbeCFile("mkgbe.h", "mkgbe.c")) {
- return 1;
- } /* and now mkgbe.c */
- if (notCreatedCFileFromGbeStruct4k(gbeStruct8k.backup, "mkgbe.c", "mkgbe.h")) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- printf("The modified descriptor and gbe regions have also been dumped as src files: mkdescriptor.c, mkdescriptor.h, mkgbe.c, mkgbe.h\n");
- printf("To use these in ich9gen, place them in src/ich9gen/ and re-build ich9gen.\n\n");
- }
- else
- {
- printf("The modified descriptor region have also been dumped as src files: mkdescriptor.c, mkdescriptor.h\n");
- printf("To use these in ich9gen, place them in src/ich9gen/ and re-build ich9gen.\n\n");
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9deblob.h b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9deblob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c11ea290..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9deblob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * ich9deblob.h
- * This file is part of the ich9deblob utility from the libreboot project
- *
- * Purpose: header file for ich9deblob.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef ICH9DEBLOB_H
-#define ICH9DEBLOB_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "common/descriptor_gbe.h" /* common descriptor/gbe functions used by ich9deblob */
-#include "common/x86compatibility.h" /* system/compiler compatibility checks. This code is not portable. */
-#include "descriptor/descriptor.h" /* structs describing what's in the descriptor region */
-#include "gbe/gbe.h" /* structs describing what's in the gbe region */
-int main();
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen.c b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 80546757..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2019 Leah Rowe <>
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Swift Geek <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-/* Generate deblobbed descriptor and gbe 12KiB file from scratch
- * without relying on a factory.rom dump */
-#include "ich9gen.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- int i, j;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k = generatedGbeStruct8k();
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct4M = generatedDescriptorStruct(ROMSIZE_4MB, WITHGBE);
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct8M = generatedDescriptorStruct(ROMSIZE_8MB, WITHGBE);
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct16M = generatedDescriptorStruct(ROMSIZE_16MB, WITHGBE);
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStructNoGbe4M = generatedDescriptorStruct(ROMSIZE_4MB, WITHOUTGBE);
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStructNoGbe8M = generatedDescriptorStruct(ROMSIZE_8MB, WITHOUTGBE);
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStructNoGbe16M = generatedDescriptorStruct(ROMSIZE_16MB, WITHOUTGBE);
- /* Only for the compatibility checks */
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD dummyDescriptorStruct;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K dummyGbeStruct8k;
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Compatibility checks. This version of ich9deblob is not yet portable.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (systemOrCompilerIncompatible(dummyDescriptorStruct, dummyGbeStruct8k)) return 1;
- /* If true, fail with error message */
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Arguments given on the terminal
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if(argc==3) {
- /* If user provides their own MAC address, it will be used.
- * Otherwise, ich9gen will simply use the default one.
- *
- * However, if the user provides an invalid MAC address, then ich9gen
- * will exit. */
- if(0==strcmp(argv[1],"--macaddress")) {
- /* 6 hex chars format (example): AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF */
- if (strlen(argv[2]) != 17) {
- printf("ich9gen: invalid mac address format (wrong length)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- for(i=2; i<14; i+=3) {
- if(argv[2][i]!=':') {
- printf("ich9gen: invalid mac address format (non-colon characters used as spacing)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
- gbeStruct8k.main.macAddress[i] = 0;
- /* Go through each nibble of the byte */
- for(j=0; j<2; j++) {
- if(argv[2][(i*3)+j]>='a' && argv[2][(i*3)+j]<='f')
- gbeStruct8k.main.macAddress[i] |= (uint8_t)((argv[2][(i*3)+j] - 87) << ((j^1) << 2));
- else if(argv[2][(i*3)+j]>='A' && argv[2][(i*3)+j]<='F')
- gbeStruct8k.main.macAddress[i] |= (uint8_t)((argv[2][(i*3)+j] - 55) << ((j^1) << 2));
- else if(argv[2][(i*3)+j]>='0' && argv[2][(i*3)+j]<='9')
- gbeStruct8k.main.macAddress[i] |= (uint8_t)((argv[2][(i*3)+j] - 48) << ((j^1) << 2));
- else {
- printf("ich9gen: invalid mac address format (non-hex characters)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- gbeStruct8k.main.checkSum = gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(gbeStruct8k.main, GBECHECKSUMTOTAL); /* Fix the checksum */
- memcpy(&gbeStruct8k.backup, &gbeStruct8k.main, GBEREGIONSIZE_4K); /* Copy to the backup */
- /* Generate ich9gen data (C code for Gbe region): */
- /* mkgbe.h */
- if (notCreatedHFileForGbeCFile("mkgbe.h", "mkgbe.c")) {
- return 1;
- } /* and now mkgbe.c */
- if (notCreatedCFileFromGbeStruct4k(gbeStruct8k.backup, "mkgbe.c", "mkgbe.h")) {
- return 1;
- }
- printf("You selected to change the MAC address in the Gbe section. This has been done.\n\n");
- printf("The modified gbe region has also been dumped as src files: mkgbe.c, mkgbe.h\n");
- printf("To use these in ich9gen, place them in src/ich9gen/ and re-build ich9gen.\n\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate the 12KiB files, ready to be used in a libreboot image
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct4M, gbeStruct8k, "ich9fdgbe_4m.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct8M, gbeStruct8k, "ich9fdgbe_8m.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct16M, gbeStruct8k, "ich9fdgbe_16m.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate the 12KiB files, ready to be used in a libreboot image
- * These are special descriptor files where the flash chip is set to read-only
- * in FLMSTR1
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- descriptorStruct4M = descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(descriptorStruct4M);
- descriptorStruct8M = descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(descriptorStruct8M);
- descriptorStruct16M = descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(descriptorStruct16M);
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct4M, gbeStruct8k, "ich9fdgbe_4m_ro.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct8M, gbeStruct8k, "ich9fdgbe_8m_ro.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreatedDescriptorGbeFile(descriptorStruct16M, gbeStruct8k, "ich9fdgbe_16m_ro.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate the 4KiB files (descriptors without GbE), ready to be used in a libreboot image
- * In these descriptors, the onboard Intel GbE NIC is disabled; a discrete one is used instead
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStructNoGbe4M, "ich9fdnogbe_4m.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStructNoGbe8M, "ich9fdnogbe_8m.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStructNoGbe16M, "ich9fdnogbe_16m.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generate the 4KiB files (descriptors without GbE), ready to be used in a libreboot image
- * In these descriptors, the onboard Intel GbE NIC is disabled; a discrete one is used instead
- *
- * This is a special version where the flash chip is read-only as specified
- * in flmstr1
- *
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- descriptorStructNoGbe4M = descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(descriptorStructNoGbe4M);
- descriptorStructNoGbe8M = descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(descriptorStructNoGbe8M);
- descriptorStructNoGbe16M = descriptorHostRegionsReadOnly(descriptorStructNoGbe16M);
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStructNoGbe4M, "ich9fdnogbe_4m_ro.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStructNoGbe8M, "ich9fdnogbe_8m_ro.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (notCreated4kDescriptorFile(descriptorStructNoGbe16M, "ich9fdnogbe_16m_ro.bin")) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen.h b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b346b06..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-/* Header file for ich9gen.c */
-#ifndef ICH9GEN_H
-#define ICH9GEN_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "ich9gen/mkdescriptor.h"
-#include "ich9gen/mkgbe.h"
-#include "common/descriptor_gbe.h" /* common descriptor/gbe functions used by ich9deblob */
-#include "common/x86compatibility.h" /* system/compiler compatibility checks. This code is not portable. */
-#include "descriptor/descriptor.h" /* structs describing what's in the descriptor region */
-#include "gbe/gbe.h" /* structs describing what's in the gbe region */
-#define WITHGBE 1
-#define WITHOUTGBE 0
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.c b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b97a97b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "mkdescriptor.h"
-/* Generate a 4KiB Descriptor struct, with default values. */
-/* Read ../descriptor/descriptor.h for an explanation of the default values used here */
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD generatedDescriptorStruct(unsigned int romSize, int hasGbe)
- int i;
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct;
- /* Flash Valid Signature Register */
- descriptorStruct.flValSig.signature = 0x0ff0a55a;
- /* Flash Map Registers */
- /* FLMAP0 */
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FCBA = 0x01;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NC = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved1 = 0x00;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.FRBA = 0x04;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.NR = hasGbe ? 0x2 : 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap0.reserved2 = 0x00;
- /* FLMAP1 */
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FMBA = 0x06;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.NM = 0x2;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.reserved = 0x00;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.FISBA = 0x10;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap1.ISL = 0x02;
- /* FLMAP2 */
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.FMSBA = 0x20;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.MSL = 0x01;
- descriptorStruct.flMaps.flMap2.reserved = 0x0000;
- /* Component Section Record */
- /* FLCOMP */
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component1Density = componentDensity(romSize);
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.component2Density = componentDensity(romSize);
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved2 = 0x00;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved3 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readClockFrequency = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastReadSupport = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.fastreadClockFrequency = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.writeEraseClockFrequency = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.readStatusClockFrequency = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flcomp.reserved4 = 0x0;
- /* FLILL */
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flill = 0x00000000;
- /* FLPB */
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.flpb = 0x00000000;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.componentSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- /* Flash Descriptor Region Section */
- /* FLREG0 (Descriptor) */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.BASE = 0x0000;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.LIMIT = 0x0000;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg0.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* FLREG1 (BIOS) */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.BASE = (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE + (hasGbe ? GBEREGIONSIZE_8K : 0)) >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.LIMIT = ((romSize >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) - 1); /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg1.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* FLREG2 (ME) */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.BASE = 0x1fff; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.LIMIT = 0x0000; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg2.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* FLREG3 (Gbe) */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE = hasGbe ? (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) : 0x1fff; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.LIMIT = hasGbe ? (GBEREGIONSIZE_8K >> FLREGIONBITSHIFT) : 0x0000; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* FLREG4 (Platform) */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.BASE = 0x1fff; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.LIMIT = 0x0000; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg4.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.regionSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- /* Master Access Section */
- /* FLMSTR1 (Host CPU / BIOS) */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.requesterId = 0x0000;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionReadAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr1.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* FLMSTR2 (ME) */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.requesterId = 0x0000;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionReadAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr2.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* FLMSTR3 (Gbe) */
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.requesterId = 0x0218;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionReadAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionReadAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.fdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.biosRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.meRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.gbeRegionWriteAccess = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.pdRegionWriteAccess = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.flMstr3.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 148; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.masterAccessSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- /* ICH straps */
- /* ICHSTRAP0 */
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.meDisable = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved1 = 0x04;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tcoMode = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBusAddress = 0x64;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.bmcMode = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.tripPointSelect = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved2 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.integratedGbe = hasGbe ? 0x1 : 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.lanPhy = hasGbe ? 0x1 : 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.reserved3 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.dmiRequesterId = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap0.smBus2Address = 0x00;
- /* ICHSTRAP1 */
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.southMlink = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.meSmbus = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.sstDynamic = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved1 = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.northMlink2 = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved2 = 0x00;
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.ichStrap1.reserved3 = 0x0000;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.ichStraps.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- /* MCH straps */
- /* MCHSTRAP0 */
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meDisable = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meBootFromFlash = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.tpmDisable = 0x1; /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved1 = 0x7;
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.spiFingerprint = 0x1;
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.meAlternateDisable = 0x0;
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved2 = 0xff;
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.mchStrap0.reserved3 = 0xffff;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 3292; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.mchStraps.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- /* ME VSCC Table */
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid0 = 0x001720c2;
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc0 = 0x20052005;
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid1 = 0x001730ef;
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc1 = 0x20052005;
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.jid2 = 0x0000481f;
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.vscc2 = 0x20152015;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.meVsccTable.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- /* Descriptor Map 2 Record */
- descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableBaseAddress = 0xee;
- descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.meVsccTableLength = 0x06;
- descriptorStruct.descriptor2Map.reserved = 0x0000;
- /* OEM section */
- /* see ../descriptor/descriptor.c */
- /* Magic String (ascii characters) */
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[0] = 0x4c;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[1] = 0x49;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[2] = 0x42;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[3] = 0x45;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[4] = 0x52;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[5] = 0x41;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[6] = 0x54;
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.magicString[7] = 0x45;
- /* Padding */
- for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) {
- descriptorStruct.oemSection.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- return descriptorStruct;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.h b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8663db8c..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkdescriptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "../descriptor/descriptor.h"
-struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD generatedDescriptorStruct(unsigned int romSize, int hasGbe);
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkgbe.c b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkgbe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 500ca2bd..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkgbe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "mkgbe.h"
-/* Generate a 4KiB Gbe struct, with default values. */
-/* Read ../gbe/gbe.h for an explanation of the default values used here */
-struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K generatedGbeStruct4k()
- int i;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K gbeStruct4k;
- /* MAC address (words 00h to 02h) */
- /* see ../gbe/gbe.c */
- gbeStruct4k.macAddress[0] = 0x00;
- gbeStruct4k.macAddress[1] = 0xde;
- gbeStruct4k.macAddress[2] = 0xad;
- gbeStruct4k.macAddress[3] = 0xc0;
- gbeStruct4k.macAddress[4] = 0xff;
- gbeStruct4k.macAddress[5] = 0xee;
- /* Word 03h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_0 = 0x00;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved1_1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.ibaLom = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord03h.reserved2 = 0x0;
- /* Word 04h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord04h = 0xffff;
- /* Word 05h (Image Version Information) */
- gbeStruct4k.imageVersionInformation = 0x1083;
- /* Words 06h and 07h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords06h07h[0] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords06h07h[1] = 0xffff;
- /* Word 08h and 09h (PBA Low and PBA High) */
- gbeStruct4k.pbaLow = 0x1008;
- gbeStruct4k.pbaHigh = 0xffff;
- /* Word 0Ah (PCI Initialization Control Word) */
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadVendorDeviceId = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.loadSubsystemId = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved2 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.pmEnable = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.auxPwr = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved3 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pciInitializationControlWord.reserved4 = 0x1;
- /* Word 0Bh (Subsystem ID) */
- gbeStruct4k.subsystemId = 0x20ee;
- /* Word 0Ch (Subsystem Vendor ID) */
- gbeStruct4k.subsystemVendorId = 0x17aa;
- /* Word 0Dh (Device ID) */
- gbeStruct4k.deviceId = 0x10f5;
- /* Word 0Eh (Vendor ID) */
- gbeStruct4k.vendorId = 0x8086;
- /* Word 0Fh (Device Revision ID) */
- gbeStruct4k.deviceRevId = 0x0000;
- /* Word 10h (LAN Power Consumption) */
- gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD3Power = 0x01;
- gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.reserved = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.lanPowerConsumption.lanD0Power = 0x0d;
- /* Words 11h and 12h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords11h12h[0] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords11h12h[1] = 0x0000;
- /* Word 13h (Shared Initialization Control Word) */
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved1 = 0x5;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceDuplex = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.forceSpeedEnable = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_0 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved2_1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.phyPowerDownEnable = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved3 = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.reserved4 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.sharedInitializationControlWord.sign = 0x2;
- /* Word 14h (Extended Configuration Control Word 1) */
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.extendedConfigurationPointer = 0x020;
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.oemWriteEnable = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved1 = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved2 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord1.reserved3 = 0x0;
- /* Word 15h (Extended Configuration Control Word 2) */
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.reserved = 0x00;
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord2.extendedPhyLength = 0x0a;
- /* Word 16h (Extended Configuration Control Word 3) */
- gbeStruct4k.extendedConfigurationControlWord3 = 0x0000;
- /* Word 17h (LED 1 Configuration and Power Management) */
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Mode = 0xb;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1BlinkMode = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Invert = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.led1Blink = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved2 = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnable = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.lpluEnableNonD0a = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisableNonD0a = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved3 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.gbeDisable = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl1.reserved4 = 0x1;
- /* Word 18h (LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults) */
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Mode = 0x2;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0BlinkMode = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Invert = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led0Blink = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Mode = 0x6;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.reserved2 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2BlinkMode = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Invert = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.ledCtl02.led2Blink = 0x0;
- /* Word 19h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord19h = 0x2b40;
- /* Word 1Ah (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ah = 0x0043;
- /* Word 1Bh (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Bh = 0x0000;
- /* Word 1Ch (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Ch = 0x10f5;
- /* Word 1Dh (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord1Dh = 0xbaad;
- /* Word 1Eh (Device ID for Intel 82567LM gigabit ethernet controller) */
- gbeStruct4k._82567lmDeviceId = 0x10f5;
- /* Word 1Fh (Device ID for Intel 82567LF gigabit ethernet controller) */
- gbeStruct4k._82567lfDeviceId = 0x10bf;
- /* Word 20h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord20h = 0xbaad;
- /* Word 21h (Device ID for Intel 82567V gigabit ethernet controller) */
- gbeStruct4k._82567vDeviceId = 0x10cb;
- /* Word 22h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord22h = 0xbaad;
- /* Word 23h (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWord23h = 0xbaad;
- /* Words 24h to 2Fh (Reserved) */
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[0] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[1] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[2] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[3] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[4] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[5] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[6] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[7] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[8] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[9] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[10] = 0x0000;
- gbeStruct4k.reservedWords24to2Fh[11] = 0x0000;
- /* Words 30h to 3Eh (PXE Software Region) */
- /* Boot Agent Main Setup Options (Word 30h) */
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.protocolSelect = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.defaultBootSelection = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved2 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.promptTime = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.displaySetupMessage = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved3 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceSpeed = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.forceFullDuplex = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.reserved4 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.efiPresence = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentMainSetupOptions.pxePresence = 0x0;
- /* Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 31h) */
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableSetupMenu = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableTitleMessage = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableProtocolSelect = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableBootSelection = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableLegacyWakeupSupport = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.disableFlashUpdate = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved1 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.ibaBootOrderSetupMode = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.reserved2 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions31h.signature = 0x1;
- /* Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 32h) */
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.buildNumber = 0x18;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.minorVersionNumber = 0x3;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.bootAgentConfigurationCustomizationOptions32h.majorVersionNumber = 0x1;
- /* IBA Capabilities (Word 33h) */
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.baseCodePresent = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.undiCapabilityPresent = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved1 = 0x1;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.efiUndiCapabilityPresent = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_0 = 0x0;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.reserved2_1 = 0x00;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.ibaCapabilities.signature = 0x1;
- /* Padding (Words 34h to 3Eh) */
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[0] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[1] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[2] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[3] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[4] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[5] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[6] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[7] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[8] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[9] = 0xffff;
- gbeStruct4k.pxeSoftwareRegion.paddingWords34hTo3Eh[10] = 0xffff;
- /* Word 3Fh (Checksum) */
- gbeStruct4k.checkSum = gbeGetChecksumFrom4kStruct(gbeStruct4k, GBECHECKSUMTOTAL);
- /* The rest of Gbe (word 40h or byte 80h onwards) is just padding (0xFF) */
- for (i = 0; i < 3968; i++) {
- gbeStruct4k.padding[i] = 0xFF;
- }
- return gbeStruct4k;
-struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K generatedGbeStruct8k()
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k;
- gbeStruct8k.main = generatedGbeStruct4k();
- memcpy(&gbeStruct8k.backup, &gbeStruct8k.main, GBEREGIONSIZE_4K);
- return gbeStruct8k;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkgbe.h b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkgbe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16974172..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9gen/mkgbe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef ICH9GEN_MKGBE_H
-#define ICH9GEN_MKGBE_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "../gbe/gbe.h"
-struct GBEREGIONRECORD_4K generatedGbeStruct4k();
-struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K generatedGbeStruct8k();
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9show.c b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9show.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d71dadf..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9show.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * ich9show.c
- * Just a little hack by Leah to show the ICH9 region read/write status
- *
- * Purpose: disable and remove the ME from ich9m/gm45 systems in coreboot.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2019 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-/* Initially based on proof of concept by Steve Shenton. */
-/* Original utility can be found at */
- * Read a factory.rom dump (ich9m/gm45 systems) and
- * modify the flash descriptor to remove all regions except descriptor,
- * Gbe and BIOS. Set BIOS region to full size of the ROM image (after
- * the flash descriptor and gbe). Basically, deblob the descriptor.
- *
- * This will will generate a concatenated descriptor+gbe dump suitable
- * for use in libreboot. Currently tested: ThinkPad X200 (coreboot/libreboot)
- */
- * See docs/hardware/x200_remove_me.html for info plus links to datasheet (also linked below)
- *
- * Info about flash descriptor (read page 845 onwards):
- *
- *
- * Info about Gbe region (read whole datasheet):
- *
- *
- */
-#include "ich9show.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- if(argc!=2) {
- printf("Incorrect number of arguments. Please specify *one* ROM path.\n");
- return 1;
- } /* TODO: Make ich9show support dumping stats of multiple ROM images */
- struct DESCRIPTORREGIONRECORD descriptorStruct;
- uint8_t* descriptorBuffer = (uint8_t*)&descriptorStruct;
- struct GBEREGIONRECORD_8K gbeStruct8k;
- uint8_t* gbeBuffer8k = (uint8_t*)&gbeStruct8k;
- uint32_t gbeRegionStart;
- char* romFilename = argv[1];
- unsigned int bufferLength;
- unsigned int romSize;
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Compatibility checks. This version of ich9deblob is not yet portable.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if (systemOrCompilerIncompatible(descriptorStruct, gbeStruct8k)) return 1;
- /* If true, fail with error message */
- /*
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Extract the descriptor and gbe regions from the factory.rom dump
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- FILE* fp = NULL;
- fp = fopen(romFilename, "rb");
- if (NULL == fp)
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not open %s\n", romFilename);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\n%s opened successfully\n", romFilename);
- /*
- * Get the descriptor region dump from the the given ROM
- * (goes in factoryDescriptorBuffer variable)
- */
- bufferLength = fread(descriptorBuffer, 1, DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE, fp);
- if (DESCRIPTORREGIONSIZE != bufferLength) //
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not read descriptor from %s (%i) bytes read\n", romFilename, bufferLength);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\ndescriptor region read successfully\n");
- if(!validDescriptor(descriptorStruct)) {
- printf("Invalid input: incorrect signature in the given descriptor.");
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- gbeRegionStart = descriptorStruct.regionSection.flReg3.BASE << FLREGIONBITSHIFT;
- /*
- * Set offset so that we can read the data from
- * the gbe region
- */
- fseek(fp, gbeRegionStart, SEEK_SET);
- /* Read the gbe data from the given ROM and put it in factoryGbeBuffer8k */
- bufferLength = fread(gbeBuffer8k, 1, GBEREGIONSIZE_8K, fp);
- if (GBEREGIONSIZE_8K != bufferLength)
- {
- printf("\nerror: could not read GBe region from %s (%i) bytes read\n", romFilename, bufferLength);
- fclose(fp);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("\ngbe (8KiB) region read successfully\n");
- }
- fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
- romSize = ftell(fp);
- printf("\n%s size: [%i] bytes\n", romFilename, romSize);
- fclose(fp);
- showDescriptorData(descriptorStruct);
- if (descriptorDefinesGbeRegion(descriptorStruct))
- {
- printf("\nMain GbE region:\n\n");
- showGbeData(gbeStruct8k.main);
- printf("\n");
- printf("\nBackup GbE region:\n\n");
- showGbeData(gbeStruct8k.backup);
- printf("\n");
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9show.h b/util/ich9utils/src/ich9show.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eb73369b..00000000
--- a/util/ich9utils/src/ich9show.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- * ich9show.c
- * Just a little hack by Leah to show the ICH9 region read/write status
- *
- * Purpose: header file for ich9deblob.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Shenton <>
- * Copyright (C) 2015,2019 Leah Rowe <>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#ifndef ICH9SHOW_H
-#define ICH9SHOW_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "common/descriptor_gbe.h" /* common descriptor/gbe functions used by ich9deblob */
-#include "common/x86compatibility.h" /* system/compiler compatibility checks. This code is not portable. */
-#include "descriptor/descriptor.h" /* structs describing what's in the descriptor region */
-#include "gbe/gbe.h" /* structs describing what's in the gbe region */
-int main();