path: root/script/update/blobs
diff options
authorLeah Rowe <>2023-10-07 00:57:55 +0100
committerLeah Rowe <>2023-10-07 01:23:11 +0100
commit62cc895c3c293011c256bb8c45cc4c07797cbf36 (patch)
tree59dbe281b5d6b8dd7c7ad848e715836744332989 /script/update/blobs
parent3c7e37b15d84cbdac6777c5cdb9f050af1c8b16b (diff)
rename blob/ to vendor/
in the future, we may start downloading files that aren't blobs, such as mxm port configs (on mainboards that use MXM graphics) this directory will contain all of those files generally change the language used, across lbmk, to make use of "vendorfile" instead of "blob" Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
Diffstat (limited to 'script/update/blobs')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/script/update/blobs/download b/script/update/blobs/download
deleted file mode 100755
index a1000423..00000000
--- a/script/update/blobs/download
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Caleb La Grange <>
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ferass El Hafidi <>
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Leah Rowe <>
-. "include/"
-. "include/"
-. "include/"
-. "include/"
-export PATH="${PATH}:/sbin"
- [ $# -gt 0 ] || err "No argument given"
- board="${1}"
- boarddir="${cbcfgsdir}/${board}"
- _b="${board%%_*mb}" # shorthand (avoid duplicating config per rom size)
- check_defconfig "${boarddir}" || exit 0
- detect_firmware && exit 0
- scan_config "${_b}" "config/blobs" "err"
- build_dependencies
- download_blobs
- set -- "${boarddir}/config/"*
- . "${1}" 2>/dev/null
- eval "[ -z \"\${${c}}\" ] || return 1"
- done
- printf "Blobs not needed for: %s\n" "${board}" 1>&2
- [ -d ${cbdir} ] || \
- x_ ./update project trees coreboot ${cbdir##*/}
- for d in uefitool biosutilities bios_extract me_cleaner; do
- [ -d "src/${d}" ] && continue
- x_ ./update project repo "${d}"
- done
- [ -f "${uefiextract}" ] || \
- x_ ./update project build -b uefitool
- [ -f "${kbc1126_ec_dump}" ] || \
- x_ make -C "${cbdir}/util/kbc1126"
- x_ ./build coreboot utils default
- [ -z "${CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN}" ] || \
- fetch "intel_me" "${DL_url}" "${DL_url_bkup}" "${DL_hash}" \
- [ -z "${CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW}" ] || \
- fetch "sch5545ec" "${SCH5545EC_DL_url}" \
- "${SCH5545EC_DL_url_bkup}" "${SCH5545EC_DL_hash}" \
- [ -z "${CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE}" ] || \
- fetch "kbc1126ec" "${EC_url}" "${EC_url_bkup}" "${EC_hash}" \
- "${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1}"
- [ -z "${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE}" ] || \
- fetch "e6400vga" "${E6400_VGA_DL_url}" \
- "${E6400_VGA_DL_url_bkup}" "${E6400_VGA_DL_hash}" \
- [ -z "${CONFIG_HAVE_MRC}" ] && return 0
- fetch "mrc" "${MRC_url}" "${MRC_url_bkup}" "${MRC_hash}" \
- _me="${PWD}/${_dest}" # must always be an absolute path
- cdir="${PWD}/${appdir}" # must always be an absolute path
- [ $# -gt 0 ] && _me="${1}"
- [ $# -gt 0 ] && cdir="${2}"
- [ -f "${_me}" ] && return 0
- sdir="$(mktemp -d)"
- mkdir -p "${sdir}" || err "extract_intel_me: !mkdir -p \"${sdir}\""
- (
- cd "${cdir}" || err "extract_intel_me: !cd \"${cdir}\""
- for i in *; do
- [ -f "${_me}" ] && break
- [ -L "${i}" ] && continue
- if [ -f "${i}" ]; then
- "${mecleaner}" -r -t -O "${sdir}/vendorfile" \
- -M "${_me}" "${i}" && break
- "${mecleaner}" -r -t -O "${_me}" "${i}" && break
- "${me7updateparser}" -O "${_me}" "${i}" && break
- _7ztest="${_7ztest}a"
- extract_archive "${i}" "${_7ztest}" || continue
- extract_intel_me "${_me}" "${cdir}/${_7ztest}"
- elif [ -d "$i" ]; then
- extract_intel_me "${_me}" "${cdir}/${i}"
- else
- continue
- fi
- cdir="${1}"
- cd "${cdir}"
- done
- )
- rm -Rf "${sdir}" || err "extract_intel_me: !rm -Rf ${sdir}"
- (
- x_ cd "${appdir}/"
- mv Rompaq/68*.BIN ec.bin || :
- if [ ! -f ec.bin ]; then
- unar -D ROM.CAB Rom.bin || unar -D Rom.CAB Rom.bin || \
- x_ unar -D 68*.CAB Rom.bin
- x_ mv Rom.bin ec.bin
- fi
- [ -f ec.bin ] || err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: can't extract"
- "${kbc1126_ec_dump}" ec.bin || \
- err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: can't extract ecfw1/2.bin"
- )
- ec_ex="y"
- for i in 1 2; do
- [ -f "${appdir}/ec.bin.fw${i}" ] || ec_ex="n"
- done
- [ "${ec_ex}" = "y" ] || \
- err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: didn't extract ecfw1/2.bin"
- x_ cp "${appdir}/"ec.bin.fw* "${_dest%/*}/"
- [ "${E6400_VGA_offset}" = "" ] && \
- err "extract_e6400vga: E6400 VGA offset not defined"
- [ "${E6400_VGA_romname}" = "" ] && \
- err "extract_e6400vga: E6400 VGA ROM name not defined"
- tail -c +${E6400_VGA_offset} "${_dl}" | \
- gunzip >"${appdir}/bios.bin" || :
- (
- x_ cd "${appdir}"
- [ -f "bios.bin" ] || err "extract_e6400vga: can't extract bios.bin"
- "${e6400_unpack}" bios.bin || printf "TODO: fix dell extract util\n"
- [ -f "${E6400_VGA_romname}" ] || \
- err "extract_e6400vga: can't extract vga rom from bios.bin"
- )
- x_ cp "${appdir}/${E6400_VGA_romname}" "${_dest}"
- # full system ROM (UEFI), to extract with UEFIExtract:
- _bios="${_dl}_extracted/Firmware"
- _bios="${_bios}/1 ${dlsum} -- 1 System BIOS vA.28.bin"
- # this is the SCH5545 firmware, inside of the extracted UEFI ROM:
- _sch5545ec_fw="${_bios}.dump/4 7A9354D9-0468-444A-81CE-0BF617D890DF"
- _sch5545ec_fw="${_sch5545ec_fw}/54 D386BEB8-4B54-4E69-94F5-06091F67E0D3"
- _sch5545ec_fw="${_sch5545ec_fw}/0 Raw section/body.bin" # <-- this!
- # this makes the file defined by _sch5545ec_fw available to copy
- "${uefiextract}" "${_bios}" || \
- err "extract_sch5545ec: cannot extract from uefi image"
- cp "${_sch5545ec_fw}" "${_dest}" || \
- err "extract_sch5545ec: cannot copy sch5545ec firmware file"
-main $@
diff --git a/script/update/blobs/inject b/script/update/blobs/inject
deleted file mode 100755
index d778fe78..00000000
--- a/script/update/blobs/inject
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env sh
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Caleb La Grange <>
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ferass El Hafidi <>
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Leah Rowe <>
-. "include/"
-. "include/"
-. "include/"
- [ $# -lt 1 ] && err "No options specified."
- [ "${1}" = "listboards" ] && \
- listitems config/coreboot && exit 0
- archive="${1}"
- while getopts r:b:m: option
- do
- case "${option}" in
- r) rom=${OPTARG} ;;
- b) board=${OPTARG} ;;
- m) modifygbe=true
- new_mac=${OPTARG} ;;
- esac
- done
- check_board
- build_dependencies
- inject_blobs
- printf "Friendly reminder (this is *not* an error message):\n"
- printf "Please always ensure that the files were inserted correctly.\n"
- if ! check_release "${archive}" ; then
- [ -f "${rom}" ] || \
- err "check_board: \"${rom}\" is not a valid path"
- [ -z ${rom+x} ] && \
- err "check_board: no rom specified"
- [ ! -z ${board+x} ] || \
- board=$(detect_board "${rom}")
- else
- release=true
- releasearchive="${archive}"
- board=$(detect_board "${archive}")
- fi
- boarddir="${cbcfgsdir}/${board}"
- [ -d "${boarddir}" ] && return 0
- err "check_board: board ${board} not found"
- [ -f "${archive}" ] || return 1
- [ "${archive##*.}" = "xz" ] || return 1
- printf "%s\n" "Release archive ${archive} detected"
-# This function tries to determine the board from the filename of the rom.
-# It will only succeed if the filename is not changed from the build/download
- path="${1}"
- filename=$(basename ${path})
- case ${filename} in
- grub_*)
- board=$(echo "${filename}" | cut -d '_' -f2-3) ;;
- seabios_withgrub_*)
- board=$(echo "${filename}" | cut -d '_' -f3-4) ;;
- *.tar.xz)
- _stripped_prefix=${filename#*_}
- board="${_stripped_prefix%.tar.xz}" ;;
- *)
- err "detect_board: could not detect board type"
- esac
- [ -d "${boarddir}/" ] || \
- err "detect_board: dir, ${boarddir}, doesn't exist"
- printf "%s\n" "${board}"
- [ -d "${cbdir}" ] || x_ ./update project trees coreboot default
- x_ ./build coreboot utils default
- x_ ./update blobs download ${board}
- release_archive="n"
- [ "${release}" != "true" ] && x_ patch_rom "${rom}" && return 0
- printf "patching release file\n"
- release_archive="y"
- patch_release_roms
- _tmpdir="tmp/romdir"
- x_ rm -Rf "${_tmpdir}"
- x_ mkdir -p "${_tmpdir}"
- x_ tar -xf "${releasearchive}" -C "${_tmpdir}"
- for x in "${_tmpdir}"/bin/*/*.rom ; do
- printf "patching rom: %s\n" "$x"
- x_ patch_rom "${x}"
- done
- for x in "${_tmpdir}"/bin/*/*_nomicrocode.rom ; do
- [ -f "${x}" ] || continue
- [ -f "${x%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" ] || continue
- x_ cp "${x%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" "${x}"
- x_ "${cbfstool}" "${x}" remove -n cpu_microcode_blob.bin
- done
- (
- x_ cd "${_tmpdir}/bin/"*
- # NOTE: For compatibility with older rom releases, defer to sha1
- sha512sum --status -c blobhashes || \
- sha1sum --status -c blobhashes || \
- err "patch_release_roms: ROMs did not match expected hashes"
- )
- if [ "${modifygbe}" = "true" ]; then
- for x in "${_tmpdir}"/bin/*/*.rom ; do
- modify_gbe "${x}"
- done
- fi
- [ -d bin/release ] || x_ mkdir -p bin/release
- x_ mv "${_tmpdir}"/bin/* bin/release/
- printf "Success! Your ROMs are in bin/release\n"
- x_ rm -Rf "${_tmpdir}"
- rom="${1}"
- # we don't process no-microcode roms; these are
- # instead re-created at the end, after re-inserting
- # on roms with microcode, by copying and then removing,
- # so that the hashes will match (otherwise, cbfstool
- # may sometimes insert certain blobs at the wrong offset)
- # (unless nomicrocode is the only config provided)
- [ "${rom}" != "${rom%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" ] && \
- [ -f "${rom%_nomicrocode.rom}.rom" ] && \
- [ "${release_archive}" = "y" ] && return 0
- x_ check_defconfig "${boarddir}"
- set -- "${boarddir}/config/"*
- . "${1}" 2>/dev/null
- [ "$CONFIG_HAVE_MRC" = "y" ] && \
- inject_blob_intel_mrc "${rom}"
- [ "${CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN}" = "y" ] && \
- inject_blob_intel_me "${rom}"
- [ "${CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE}" = "y" ] && \
- inject_blob_hp_kbc1126_ec "${rom}"
- [ "${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE}" != "" ] && \
- [ "${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID}" != "" ] && \
- inject_blob_dell_e6400_vgarom_nvidia "${rom}"
- [ "${CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW}" = "y" ] && \
- [ "${CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE}" != "" ] && \
- inject_blob_smsc_sch5545_ec "${rom}"
- [ "${modifygbe}" = "true" ] && ! [ "${release}" = "true" ] && \
- modify_gbe "${rom}"
- printf "ROM image successfully patched: %s\n" "${rom}"
- rom="${1}"
- printf "adding mrc\n"
- # mrc.bin must be inserted at a specific offset
- # in cbfstool, -b values above 0x80000000 are interpreted as
- # top-aligned x86 memory locations. this is converted into an
- # absolute offset within the flash, and inserted accordingly
- # at that offset into the ROM image file
- # coreboot's own build system hardcodes the mrc.bin offset
- # because there is only one correct location in memory, but
- # it would be useful for us if it could be easily scanned
- # from Kconfig, with the option to change it where in practise
- # it is not changed
- # the hardcoded offset below is based upon reading of the coreboot
- # source code, and it is *always* correct for haswell platform.
- # TODO: this logic should be tweaked to handle more platforms
- x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f mrc/haswell/mrc.bin -n mrc.bin \
- -t mrc -b 0xfffa0000
- printf "adding intel me firmware\n"
- rom="${1}"
- [ -z ${CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH} ] && \
- err "inject_blob_intel_me: CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH not set"
- _me_location=${CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH##*../}
- [ ! -f "${_me_location}" ] && \
- err "inject_blob_intel_me: per CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH: file missing"
- x_ "${ifdtool}" -i me:"${_me_location}" "${rom}" -O "${rom}"
- rom="${1}"
- _ec1_location="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1##*../}"
- _ec1_offset="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW1_OFFSET}"
- _ec2_location="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2##*../}"
- _ec2_offset="${CONFIG_KBC1126_FW2_OFFSET}"
- printf "adding hp kbc1126 ec firmware\n"
- if [ "${_ec1_offset}" = "" ] || [ "${_ec1_offset}" = "" ]; then
- err "inject_blob_hp_kbc1126_ec: ${board}: offset not declared"
- elif [ "${_ec1_location}" = "" ] || [ "${_ec2_location}" = "" ]; then
- err "inject_blob_hp_kbc1126_ec: ${board}: EC path not declared"
- elif [ ! -f "${_ec1_location}" ] || [ ! -f "${_ec2_location}" ]; then
- err "inject_blob_hp_kbc1126_ec: ${board}: ecfw not downloaded"
- fi
- x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_ec1_location}" -n ecfw1.bin \
- -b ${_ec1_offset} -t raw
- x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_ec2_location}" -n ecfw2.bin \
- -b ${_ec2_offset} -t raw
- rom="${1}"
- _vga_location="${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE##*../}"
- _vga_dir="${_vga_location%/*}"
- _vga_filename="${_vga_location##*/}"
- printf "adding pci option rom\n"
- [ "${_vga_dir}" = "${pciromsdir}" ] || \
- err "inject_blob_dell_e6400vga: invalid pcirom dir: ${_vga_dir}"
- [ -f "${_vga_location}" ] || \
- err "inject_blob_dell_e6400vga: ${_vga_location} doesn't exist"
- x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_vga_location}" \
- -n "pci${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_ID}.rom" -t optionrom
- rom="${1}"
- _sch5545ec_location="${CONFIG_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW_FILE##*../}"
- [ -f "${_sch5545ec_location}" ] || \
- err "inject_blob_smsc_sch5545_ec: SCH5545 fw missing"
- x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rom}" add -f "${_sch5545ec_location}" \
- -n sch5545_ecfw.bin -t raw
- printf "changing mac address in gbe to ${new_mac}\n"
- [ -z ${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH} ] && \
- err "modify_gbe: ${board}: CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH not set"
- rom="${1}"
- _gbe_location=${CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH##*../}
- [ -f "${_gbe_location}" ] || \
- err "modify_gbe: CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH points to missing file"
- [ -f "${nvmutil}" ] || \
- x_ make -C util/nvmutil
- _gbe_tmp=$(mktemp -t gbeXXXX.bin)
- x_ cp "${_gbe_location}" "${_gbe_tmp}"
- x_ "${nvmutil}" "${_gbe_tmp}" setmac "${new_mac}"
- x_ "${ifdtool}" -i GbE:"${_gbe_tmp}" "${rom}" -O "${rom}"
- x_ rm -f "${_gbe_tmp}"
- cat <<- EOF
- USAGE: ./update blobs inject -r [rom path] -b [boardname] -m [macaddress]
- Example: ./update blobs inject -r x230_12mb.rom -b x230_12mb
- Adding a macadress to the gbe is optional.
- If the [-m] parameter is left blank, the gbe will not be touched.
- Type './update blobs inject listboards' to get a list of valid boards
-main $@