#!/usr/bin/env sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Alper Nebi Yasak # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ferass El Hafidi # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Leah Rowe [ "x${DEBUG+set}" = 'xset' ] && set -v set -u -e . "include/err.sh" read projectname < projectname read our_version < version export LOCALVERSION="-${projectname}-${our_version}" arch="" cfgsdir="" codedir="" config="" config_name="" crossgcc_ada="" elfdir="" listfile="" mode="" project="" romtype="" target="" target_dir="" targets="" tree="" cbfstool="" tmpclean="$(mktemp -d -t makeclean.XXXXXXXXXX)" || \ fail "can't make tmpclean dir" main() { while getopts b:m:u:c:x: option do case "${1}" in -b) mode="all" ;; -u) mode="oldconfig" ;; -m) mode="menuconfig" ;; -c) mode="distclean" ;; -x) mode="crossgcc-clean" ;; *) fail "Invalid option" ;; esac shift; project="${OPTARG}"; shift done [ -z "${mode}" ] && fail "mode not given (-m, -u, -b, -c or -x)" handle_dependencies $@ handle_targets } handle_dependencies() { elfdir="elf/${project}" cfgsdir="config/${project}" [ -d "${cfgsdir}" ] || fail "directory, ${cfgsdir}, does not exist" listfile="${cfgsdir}/build.list" [ -f "${listfile}" ] || fail "list file, ${listfile}, does not exist" # Build for all targets if no argument is given targets=$(./build command options "${cfgsdir}") || \ fail "Cannot get options for ${cfgsdir}" [ $# -gt 0 ] && targets=$@ [ -d "${elfdir}" ] || [ "${mode}" != "all" ] || \ mkdir -p "${elfdir}/" || fail "can't create directory ${elfdir}" } handle_targets() { for x in ${targets}; do target="${x}" printf "Running 'make %s' for project '%s, target '%s''\n" \ "${mode}" "${project}" "${target}" [ "${project}" != "coreboot" ] || [ "${mode}" != "all" ] || \ ./update blobs download ${target} || fail "blobutil" handle_defconfig || fail "error handling config file" done if [ "${mode}" = "all" ]; then printf "Done! The files are stored under %s/\n\n" "${elfdir}" fi } handle_defconfig() { handle_src_tree "${target}" || return 0 for y in "${target_dir}/config"/*; do [ -f "${y}" ] || continue config="${y}" config_name="${config#$target_dir/config/}" printf "handle/make/config %s %s: handling config %s\n" \ "${project}" "${target}" "${config_name}" [ "${mode}" != "all" ] || check_config || continue run_make_command [ "${mode}" != "all" ] || copy_elf done } handle_src_tree() { target_dir="${cfgsdir}/${target}" mkdir -p "${elfdir}/${target}" || \ fail "handle_src_tree: !mkdir -p ${elfdir}/${target}" tree="undefined" arch="undefined" romtype="normal" [ ! -f "${target_dir}/target.cfg" ] && \ fail "handle_src_tree: ${target_dir}: missing target.cfg" # Override the above defaults using target.cfg . "${target_dir}/target.cfg" # source [ "${tree}" = "undefined" ] && \ fail "handle_src_tree: ${target_dir}: tree undefined" [ "${arch}" = "undefined" ] && \ fail "handle_src_tree: ${target_dir}: undefined cpu type" codedir="${project}/${tree}" if [ ! -d "${codedir}" ]; then if [ "${mode}" = "distclean" ] || \ [ "${mode}" = "crossgcc-clean" ]; then printf "Directory %s doesn't exist; skipping clean\n" \ "${codedir}" 1>&2 return 1 fi ./update project trees "${project}" "${target}" || \ fail "handle_src_tree: can't fetch ${project}/${target}" elif [ "${mode}" = "distclean" ] || \ [ "${mode}" = "crossgcc-clean" ]; then [ -f "${tmpclean}/${tree}" ] && return 1 touch "${tmpclean}/${tree}" fi # u-boot and coreboot are both compiled with coreboot's crossgcc if [ "${project}" = "coreboot" ] || [ "${project}" = "u-boot" ]; then [ "${mode}" != "all" ] || check_cross_compiler || \ fail "handle_src_tree ${project}/${target}: crossgcc" cbfstool="cbutils/${tree}/cbfstool" [ -f "${cbfstool}" ] || ./build coreboot utils "${tree}" || \ fail "handle_src_tree: cannot build cbfstool" fi } # set up cross-compiler (coreboot crossgcc) for u-boot and coreboot # (seabios and grub currently use hostcc, not crossgcc) check_cross_compiler() { [ "${crossgcc_ada}" = "y" ] || [ "${crossgcc_ada}" = "n" ] || \ crossgcc_ada="y" [ "${crossgcc_ada}" != "y" ] && \ export BUILD_LANGUAGES=c cbdir="coreboot/${tree}" [ "${project}" != "coreboot" ] && \ cbdir="coreboot/default" # not u-boot (e.g. linux will use it) [ "${project}" = "u-boot" ] && \ cbdir="coreboot/cros" # u-boot only used on coreboot/cros # only true if not building coreboot: ctarget="${cbdir#coreboot/}" [ -d "${cbdir}" ] || \ ./update project trees coreboot ${ctarget} || \ fail "check_cross_compiler: can't fetch coreboot/${ctarget}" if [ "${arch}" = "x86_32" ] || [ "${arch}" = "x86_64" ]; then [ -d "${cbdir}/util/crossgcc/xgcc/i386-elf/" ] || \ make -C "${cbdir}" crossgcc-i386 CPUS=$(nproc) || \ return 1 case "$(uname -m)" in x86*|i*86|amd64) : ;; *) export CROSS_COMPILE=i386-elf- ;; esac elif [ "${arch}" = "ARMv7" ]; then [ -d "${cbdir}/util/crossgcc/xgcc/arm-eabi/" ] || \ make -C "${cbdir}" crossgcc-arm CPUS=$(nproc) || \ return 1 case "$(uname -m)" in arm|arm32|armv6*|armv7*) : ;; *) export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- ;; esac elif [ "${arch}" = "AArch64" ]; then [ -d "${cbdir}/util/crossgcc/xgcc/aarch64-elf/" ] || \ make -C "${cbdir}" crossgcc-aarch64 CPUS=$(nproc) || \ return 1 # aarch64 also needs armv7 toolchain for arm-trusted-firmware [ -d "${cbdir}/util/crossgcc/xgcc/arm-eabi/" ] || \ make -C "${cbdir}" crossgcc-arm CPUS=$(nproc) || \ return 1 case "$(uname -m)" in arm64|aarch64) : ;; *) export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-elf- ;; esac fi # we *must* ensure that u-boot's build system uses crossgcc first export PATH="$(pwd)/${cbdir}/util/crossgcc/xgcc/bin:$PATH" } check_config() { [ ! -f "${config}" ] && \ fail "check_config: ${project}/${target}: configs missing" dest_dir="${elfdir}/${target}/${config_name}" # TODO: very hacky check. do it properly (based on build.list) for elftest in "${dest_dir}"/*; do if [ -f "${elftest}" ]; then printf "Build already exists, so skipping build\n" 1>&2 return 1 fi done mkdir -p "${dest_dir}" || \ fail "check_config: cannot mkdir: ${dest_dir}" } run_make_command() { ./handle make file -c "${codedir}" || \ fail "run_make_command: make distclean/clean failed" cp "${config}" "${codedir}/.config" || \ fail "run_make_command: can't copy config for: ${project}/${target}" [ "${mode}" != "all" ] || make -C "${codedir}" silentoldconfig || \ make -C "${codedir}" oldconfig || : # don't error on oldconfig if [ "${project}" = "coreboot" ] && [ "${mode}" = "all" ]; then printf "%s\n" "${our_version}" >"${codedir}/.coreboot-version" \ || fail "run_make_command: ${codedir}: can't set version" fi make -C "${codedir}" -j$(nproc) ${mode} || \ fail "run_make: !make-${mode}: ${codedir} (${project}/${target})" if [ -e "${codedir}/.git" ] && [ "${project}" = "u-boot" ] && \ [ "${mode}" = "distclean" ]; then git -C "${codedir}" clean -fdx || \ fail "run_make_command: ${codedir}: cannot clean u-boot git" elif [ "${mode}" = "oldconfig" ] || [ "${mode}" = "menuconfig" ]; then cp "${codedir}/.config" "${config}" || \ fail "run_make: can't edit config: ${project}/${target}" fi } copy_elf() { if [ "${project}" = "coreboot" ]; then modify_coreboot_rom || \ fail "copy_elf: cannot prepare coreboot image" fi while read f; do [ ! -f "${codedir}/$f" ] || \ cp "${codedir}/${f}" "${dest_dir}/" || \ fail "copy_elf: cannot copy elf file" done < ${listfile} ./handle make file -c "${codedir}" || \ fail "copy_elf: clean: ${codedir} (${project}/${target})" } modify_coreboot_rom() { rompath="${codedir}/build/coreboot.rom" [ -f "${rompath}" ] || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom: does not exist: ${rompath}" tmprom="$(mktemp -t rom.XXXXXXXXXX)" rm -f "${tmprom}" || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom prep: cannot remove tmprom" if [ "${romtype}" = "d8d16sas" ]; then # pike2008 roms hang seabios. an empty rom will override # the built-in one, thus disabling all execution of it touch "${tmprom}" || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom: cannot create fake oprom" for deviceID in "0072" "3050"; do "${cbfstool}" "${rompath}" add -f "${tmprom}" \ -n "pci1000,${deviceID}.rom" -t raw || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom: can't insert fake rom" done elif [ "${romtype}" = "i945 laptop" ]; then # for bucts-based installation method from factory bios dd if="${rompath}" of="${tmprom}" bs=1 \ skip=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x10000)) \ count=64k || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom: can't read i945 bootblock" dd if="${tmprom}" of="${rompath}" bs=1 \ seek=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x20000)) \ count=64k conv=notrunc || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom: can't write i945 bootblock" fi rm -f "${tmprom}" || \ fail "modify_coreboot_rom: cannot remove tmprom" } fail() { [ -z "${codedir}" ] || ./handle make file -c "${codedir}" || : err "${1}" } main $@