# This file contains information needed for getting the correct versions
# for various git projects used by osbmk.
# Project name is enclosed by curly braces '{}' information about the
# project relevant to osbmk is stored between the subsequent curly
# braces. This file is used by the gitcheck script as well as the
# gitmodule script. Each entry must include: revision 'rev', location
# 'loc', and the git url 'url'. Bkup_url is optional.

	rev: 1514678888595ef41a968a0c69b7ff769edd1e9c
	loc: grub
	url: git://git.savannah.gnu.org/grub.git
	bkup_url: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/r/grub.git

	rev: 9f48fb992a3d7e96610c4ce8be969cff2d61a01b
	loc: grub/gnulib
	url: git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib 

	rev: 53749b0c6f7c5778bdd1ec2b91cd230626752579
	loc: ich9utils
	url: https://notabug.org/libreboot/ich9utils.git

	rev: 43612a630c79f3bc6f2653bfe90dfe0b7b137e08
	loc: me_cleaner
	url: https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner.git

	rev: a78401b9704cfdd49c89bfb31d2df08f60521d0b
	loc: memtest86plus
	url: https://review.coreboot.org/memtest86plus.git

	rev: 64f37cc530f144e53c190c9e8209a51b58fd5c43
	loc: seabios
	url: https://review.coreboot.org/seabios
	bkup_url: https://github.com/coreboot/seabios

	rev: 11680db4e1251eb842bee11e53b6d1f0ae67767b
	loc: flashrom 
	url: https://review.coreboot.org/flashrom.git