# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Caleb La Grange <thonkpeasant@protonmail.com> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ferass El Hafidi <vitali64pmemail@protonmail.com> # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org> listitems() { rval=1 [ ! -d "${1}" ] && \ printf "listitems: directory '%s' doesn't exist" "${1}" && \ return 1 for x in "${1}/"*; do # -e used because this is for files *or* directories [ -e "${x}" ] || continue [ "${x##*/}" = "build.list" ] && continue printf "%s\n" "${x##*/}" 2>/dev/null rval=0 done return ${rval} } scan_config() { awkstr=" /\{.*${1}.*}{/ {flag=1;next} /\}/{flag=0} flag { print }" confdir="${2}" _fail="${3}" revfile="$(mktemp -t sources.XXXXXXXXXX)" cat "${confdir}/"* > "${revfile}" || \ "${_fail}" "scan_config ${confdir}: Cannot concatenate files" while read -r line ; do set ${line} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || : [ "${1%:}" = "depend" ] && depend="${depend} ${2}" && continue eval "${1%:}=\"${2}\"" done << EOF $(eval "awk '${awkstr}' \"${revfile}\"") EOF rm -f "${revfile}" || "${_fail}" "scan_config: Cannot remove tmpfile" } handle_coreboot_utils() { for util in cbfstool ifdtool; do x_ ./update project trees ${_f} "src/coreboot/${1}/util/${util}" [ -z "${mode}" ] && [ ! -f "cbutils/${1}/${util}" ] && \ x_ mkdir -p "cbutils/${1}" && \ x_ cp "src/coreboot/${1}/util/${util}/${util}" \ "cbutils/${1}" [ -z "${mode}" ] || \ x_ rm -Rf "cbutils/${1}" done } modify_coreboot_rom() { rompath="${codedir}/build/coreboot.rom" [ -f "${rompath}" ] || \ err "modify_coreboot_rom: does not exist: ${rompath}" tmprom="$(mktemp -t rom.XXXXXXXXXX)" x_ rm -f "${tmprom}" if [ "${romtype}" = "d8d16sas" ]; then # pike2008 roms hang seabios. an empty rom will override # the built-in one, thus disabling all execution of it x_ touch "${tmprom}" for deviceID in "0072" "3050"; do x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rompath}" add -f "${tmprom}" \ -n "pci1000,${deviceID}.rom" -t raw done elif [ "${romtype}" = "i945 laptop" ]; then # for bucts-based installation method from factory bios x_ dd if="${rompath}" of="${tmprom}" bs=1 \ skip=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x10000)) \ count=64k x_ dd if="${tmprom}" of="${rompath}" bs=1 \ seek=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x20000)) \ count=64k conv=notrunc fi x_ rm -f "${tmprom}" }